All about Turkey: General Data, Economy and Culture

Turkey, official name Republic of Turkey, is a transcontinental country. This is because it is located in two continents: most in Asia, and the smallest in Europe.

It is the third most populous country in Europe, behind Russia and Germany.


The country is bordered by the following seas: Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Aegean Sea and Marmara Sea. It borders eight countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Iran, Iraq and Syria.

TurkeyTurkey map

General data

  • Capital: Ankara
  • Territorial extension: 783,560 km²
  • Population: 78,665,830 inhabitants (2015 data)
  • Climate: Mediterranean
  • Language: Turkish
  • Religion: Islam
  • Coin: turkish lyre
  • Government system: parliamentary republic

Capital: Ankara or Istanbul?

Ankara is the capital of Turkey.

Many people think that Istanbul is the capital of Turkey. This is because Istanbul was once the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire and the Ottoman Empire.

But since 1923, after the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the capital of Turkey is Ankara.

Istanbul is the main city in the country and the only bi-continental city in the world. Part of it is in Asia and the other part in Europe. It is a megacity, considering that it is home to more than 10 million inhabitants.



The Turkish flag is red. In addition to red, the color white is present in the symbols that compose it: the crescent moon with the star, the main symbol of Islam.

Its true origin is not known. Possibly, it arose in the period of the Ottoman Empire, given the similarity between the flags.


O GDP per capita corresponds to 10,299 US$. The main sectors of the Turkish economy are agriculture, industry and tourism. Turkey produces a lot of nuts and grains, most notably in the cultivation of wheat.

In the industry, the automobile sector stands out, as the country is one of the largest automobile producers in the world. The textile industry is also quite strong.

About 39 million tourists visit the country annually.

Read more: Emerging countries and G20 - Group of Twenty


Turks are in the habit of drinking tea. On average, they drink about ten cups daily. Another custom is to leave shoes at the entrances to houses. When visiting someone, the hosts provide slippers at the entrance.

Superstitious, it is common to use the Turkish eye, an amulet. This object can be hung in homes or placed in babies' clothes.

In Turkey, kissing between men is a common greeting. Likewise, it's normal to see friends walking hand in hand.

Ninety-nine percent of Turks follow the Islam. This religion, however, is not the official religion of the country, because Turkey follows the principle of Secularism.

In Secularism, there is religious freedom and the political system is not influenced by religion.

For religious reasons, women's garments cover their entire body. Clothes are dark. Religious men, in turn, wear a turban.

For wedding ceremonies, the bride and groom dress as they do in the West: the bride in a white dress, the groom in a suit.

The big difference is the gifts that are offered. In Turkey, newlyweds earn jewelry and money. The jewels are placed on the bride, who stays with them during the party.

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