Environmental problems in urban centers. Environmental problems

The development and growth of urban centers often do not occur in a planned way, causing many inconveniences for those who inhabit them. Some of these problems are of environmental magnitude and hinder the activities of human life in these places. These environmental problems are caused by several anthropogenic factors. Listed below are some of these issues:

Air pollution:

Air pollution is caused by the emission of polluting gases into the air, such as carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), among others, causing problems for health and the environment.

These polluting gases are produced by industries and automobiles. Its concentration in the atmosphere causes a phenomenon known as smog, which is a polluting smoke or fog located on the surface of cities and which can cause respiratory diseases.

Smoke from industrial chimneys and cars causing air pollution

Water pollution:

The situation of rivers and streams is worrying, as water pollution directly affects the health of the population. A large amount of garbage and sewage is thrown into rivers, due to people's irresponsibility, lack of garbage collection and sewage treatment.

Garbage in rivers and streams

Heat Island:

It is the increase in temperature in certain parts of a city, in which the region with the highest concentration of buildings, asphalt, glass and concrete has the highest temperature; while in another part of the city, which has more green areas, the temperature is lower, with variations of up to 10°C on the same day.

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

Thermal inversion:

This is when air pollution prevents the normal change in surface air temperature, that is, the air cold and heavy (because of pollution particles) is at the bottom and the warmer and lighter air is at up.

Thermal inversion: dust particles and surface pollution

Greenhouse effect:

Phenomenon caused by the increase in temperature on the planet due to polluting gases emitted by cities. The pollutant layer prevents the atmosphere's heat from dissipating. It is called a greenhouse, as the planet maintains a warm temperature.


Caused by the irregular use and occupation of environmental preservation areas in large cities, such as hillsides, riverbanks, excess weight of buildings, soil compaction, etc.

Acid rain:

Caused by air pollution, in which polluting gases react with water from the moisture in the air, causing rains with the presence of acidic components and harming crops, buildings, cars and the being human.

Floods and landslides:

The rains in cities can cause floods and landslides, destroying buildings and killing people, due to irregular occupation, as the rainwater has nowhere to drain.

Lack of green areas:

Deforestation in urban areas causes an increase in temperature and aggravates air pollution.

Visual and noise pollution:

Excessive advertisements and the loud noise of big cities can cause psychological disorders in society.

*Image Credit: AJP / shutterstock

by Suelen Alonso
Master in Geography

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

ALONSO, Suelen. "Environmental problems in urban centers"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/geografia/problemas-ambientais-dos-grandes-centros.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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