Essay writing, or essay text, is the type of text that presents arguments and exposes ideas about a proposed topic.
This type of writing is also called a dissertation-argumentative essay and is required for writing the Enem and college entrance exams.
The exposition of ideas makes a text to be essay, while the part where we try to convince the reader about the ideas presented in it makes the text argumentative.
Introduction of essay writing
What is? The introduction contextualizes the reader to the subject that will be addressed in the essay and indicates which theme is being dealt with, which is the same as a problem for which we need to present a solution.
How to make? After reading the essay proposal, write down all the ideas that pop into your head at random. The more ideas the better!
Many people make the mistake of wanting to come up with the best sentences and end up forgetting the other ideas, because they were only concerned about the best way to write the first one.
See too: Tips for Introducing an Essay
Development of essay writing
What is? The development unfolds the ideas presented in the introduction, showing the writer's vision, that is, their thesis.
How to make? At this point you should organize the ideas presented in the introduction.
After you've written everything you remembered, you can choose the ideas that make the most sense, after all if taking a test will not have time to write about each one that the inspiration brought to you.
Develop your ideas while building your thinking in a cohesive and coherent way.
See too: How to develop an essay
Completion of essay writing
What is? The conclusion presents the solution to the problem you presented and the thesis you developed.
How to make? Don't be repetitive, the conclusion should return to the theme, but mainly add to the wording the your critical suggestions to explain how something can be resolved, that is, the proposal for intervention.
See too: How to complete an essay
Ready-made essay writing: example
Check out the writing of participant Carolina Mendes Pereira, who scored 1000 with the theme "Manipulation of user behavior by controlling data on the internet" in Enem 2018:

Introduction Analysis
In the first sentence, the participant contextualized the subject, citing digital platforms. And even before mentioning the theme, she showed her sociocultural repertoire by mentioning Gilberto Gil and his song “Pela Internet”.
Next, the author of the essay indicates the ideas that will be addressed in her text: 1) advance of algorithms and data control mechanism, 2) restriction and targeting of news and cultural products, 3) look critical.

development analysis
After presenting her ideas in the introduction, in the following paragraphs the participant explains each one.
First, regarding the restriction and targeting of news and cultural products (idea number 2), the author speaks as the panorama presented restricts citizenship, once again showing knowledge by citing Habermas, and is already critically positioned (idea number 3).
In the third paragraph, the author develops the idea regarding what she thinks about the advancement of algorithms and data control mechanism (idea number 1), quotes philosopher Stuart Hall and shows his critical eye (idea number 3).

Conclusion analysis
The final paragraph presents measures to reduce the problem exposed throughout the text, whose ideas are: making institutions responsible schools for the digital education of their students and the promotion of lectures with professionals to guide how to deal with manipulation and control of data.

Tips for good essay writing
Doing a good essay writing requires some care. To help you in this task, Toda Matéria has some tips for you:
- Write without spelling mistakes and don't use slang;
- Write cohesive and coherent text.
- The structure should be: introduction, development, conclusion;
- Don't run away from the topic;
- Show knowledge, citing authors and their ideas, movies, historical events, among others.
- Read, because reading is fundamental to writing well, in addition to increasing people's sociocultural repertoire.
Don't stop there. There are more texts very useful for you:
- How to make a good essay-argumentative text
- 20 quotes from philosophers to help with writing the Enem
- Cohesion and Coherence