Improper Derivation: what is it, examples and exercises

THE improper derivation, also called conversion, is a kind of derivation that happens by changing the grammatical class of the word.

That is, the formation of a new word is obtained by changing the grammatical function (noun, adjective, verb, adverb, etc.) in the sentence.


Joan has a walk very determined. (substantive)
This afternoon we can walk in the park. (verb)

Note that in this type of derivation neither prefix nor suffix is ​​added to the new word. In this way, there is no change in the term's structure, but in its meaning.

However, the new word plays another grammatical role in the sentence according to the context in which it is inserted.

Recall that derivation is one of the word formation processes that involves the stem of a primitive word and the affixes (prefix and suffix).

Besides the improper derivation we have: regressive, suffixal, prefixal and parasynthetic derivation.

Examples of Improper Derivation

  • Our dinner it was great. (substantive)
  • Let's go dinner at Fabiana's house? (verb)
  • O to look of the girl was profound. (substantive)
  • To the to look shirt prices, we decided to go to the fair. (verb)
  • The concept of beautiful in the arts it is found in Ancient Greece. (substantive)
  • The Coliseum in Rome is very beautiful. (adjective)
  • Peter is the most high from the team. (adjective)
  • The teacher talked a lot high. (adverb)
  • Sofia is the head from class. (adjective)
  • Mine head it hurts a lot today. (substantive)

Entrance Exam Exercises with Feedback

1. (UFG) In the phrase "She has a mysterious feel”, the process of formation of the highlighted word is called:

a) composition
b) agglutination
c) juxtaposition
d) improper derivation
e) parasynthesis

Alternative d: improper derivation

2. (UFMG) In which alternative does the highlighted word result from an improper derivation?

a) At seven o'clock in the morning the main work began: a vote.
B) little pear I was right. Secrecy... Secret vote... Nonsense, nonsense!
c) without radical remodeling of the electoral law, elections would remain a farce!
d) They didn't change one this of prose, and they understood each other.
e) Dr. Osmírio would walk disoriented, but snorting with anger.

Alternative d: They didn't change a prose this, and they understood each other.

3. (FUVEST-SP) Read the verses below, belonging to a friend's song, from Portuguese troubadour.

Oh flowers, oh flowers of the green branch
if you know new about my beloved?
oh god and u are

(you know = you know; u = where)

Find an example of an improper derivation in the excerpt above.

In the excerpt above we find two examples of improper derivation:

  • "new": adjective used with noun value
  • "beloved": participle of the verb to love used with noun value

Read too:

  • Word Formation
  • Word Formation Exercises
  • Regressive Derivation
  • Parasynthetic Derivation

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