Word structure: examples and exercises

The structure of words is related to the elements that make up the words.

It encompasses the study of various morphic elements (morphemes): root, stem, theme, affixes (prefixes, suffixes), endings, thematic vowel, connecting vowel and consonant.

Remember that morphemes are the smallest units of elements that make up words.

Below are the definitions and examples of each of them:


The root of the word is the main element of the word's origin, that is, its basic part.

It harbors the meaning of the term and can change. Words that have the same etymological family contain the same root, for example.

car- car nominal root
noc- nominal root of harmful


The root is the base element that serves the meaning of the word and that includes the root. It does not change, that is, it always remains the same, for example:

ironthe and ironhowl
flowerculture and flowerhey


The word theme is an element formed by the stem and the thematic vowel. For example:

break up


Affixes are complementary elements of words that join a stem and form new words.

Are classified into prefixes (appear before the radical) and suffixes (appear after the radical).


Prefix: inhappy
Suffix: happyI burn


The endings are morphemes added at the end of words and that indicate the inflections of the word. They are classified:

  • Verbal endings: indicate the inflections of number, person, mood and tense of verbs.
  • Nominal endings: indicate the gender (male and female) and number (singular and plural) inflections of the names.


Nominal Ending: girl - girls (nominal ending of number); girlO - girlThe (nominal gender endings)

Verbal Ending: me withO (ending personal number of the verb "to eat" which indicates the 1st person singular present tense).

Thematic Vowel

THE thematic vowel is the vowel that joins the root of the word. In verbs we have three types of thematic vowels according to the verb conjugations.

Thus, the thematic vowel of the 1st conjugation verbs is “a”. The 2nd conjugation is the “and”. And, those of the 3rd conjugation is the “i”.


verb amTher (1st conjugation)
verb sellandr (2nd conjugation)
smile verbir (3rd conjugation)

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Connecting vowels are elements included in words to facilitate pronunciation. For example: seaandsia and bananandwill.

Depending on Connection

In the same way, connecting consonants are elements included in words that help in pronunciation. For example: coffeetthreshing floor and teatherethreshing floor.

Entrance Exam Exercises with Feedback

1. (Cesgranrio-RJ) Check the option where not all words are of the same root:

a) night, night, night
b) light, light, illuminate
c) amazing, believer, believe
d) party, party, party
e) wealth, rich, get rich

Alternative b: light, light, lighting

2. (Fuvest-SP) Mark the alternative that registers the word that has the suffix forming an adverb:

a) hopelessness
b) pessimism
c) impoverishment
d) extremely
e) society

Alternative d: extremely

3. (Unirio-RJ) The highlighted element is NOT thematic vowel in:

a) isá
b) rennetOu
c) babyandr
d) saveandi
e) shoesO

Alternative e: shim

Read too:

  • Word Formation
  • morphemes
  • Endings
  • Phoneme and Lyrics
  • Prefix and Suffix

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