TCC Completion: Tips and Step by Step

O TCC (Twork of Çinclusion of Çbear) is a final work of mandatory character, done individually, in pairs or in groups, and presented in the last year of a technical course or in the last semester of a college.

Passing the TCC presentation is a necessary condition for the student to receive a course completion diploma.

Check out below for tips to stay on top of how to complete the TCC.

How to make a CBT conclusion?

The conclusion of TCC is a final result, which comes after in-depth study of the work's theme.

We can say that it is a general summary of the researched subject and its respective results.

Check below for tips and a step-by-step guide on how to complete CBT.

1. Submit summary of the topic

At the conclusion of a TCC work, it is very important that the main subject of the research is resumed.

However, it is not supposed that questions are made, inquiries and/or that doubts and hypotheses are raised.

The purpose of this more succinct approach is to make a general presentation to the reader, explaining, in a contextualized way, what the work is about.

2. Indicate the relevance of the topic

Another key point in completing a Course Conclusion Work is the relevance of researching a particular topic.

This question should cover three parts. The student must clearly inform the relevance of the topic:

  • For yourself;
  • for the science in question;
  • for society as a whole.

3. Show results and overall conclusion

The student must also not forget to present the results obtained through his research. Everything new that was discovered during the TCC must be mentioned again.

As a general conclusion, the contributions of the work to a more effective practice of a given activity and/or profession, and also information on how the results can help in a better understanding of the theme.

All these results must be related to the theory presented in the development of the TCC. It is also essential that the conclusion responds to the question presented at the beginning of the work's development.

4. Provide information on outlined objectives

In conclusion, it is important that it is clear what the goals set at the beginning of the work were, and whether or not they were achieved.

In other words, a confrontation must be made between the goals set and the results achieved.

In addition, the student must address the hypotheses considered during the research, and explain why they were confirmed or not.

5. submit suggestions

The student needs to ask himself if there is a possibility to continue the research.

If you understand yes, this information should be given at the conclusion.

By presenting the results obtained, for example, the student can indicate the possibilities of continuing the project, and suggest how certain aspects can be deepened.

What not to do on completion of TCC?


Check out the tips below and see what you shouldn't do on completion of your CBT.

  • Do not present completely new information. The findings may be referenced again in the conclusion, but must be presented for the first time in the development of the TCC.
  • Do not present direct ABNT quotes (reproductions of other people's sentences according to ABNT standards). If you want to reproduce someone's idea or phrase, try to explain the concept or idea in your own words. Citations should only appear in the body of the text's development.
  • Do not insert images, tables and maps at completion. This type of information must be made available in the development of the TCC.
  • Don't assume your truth is absolute. It is necessary to bear in mind that research works as continuous actions, always in development. It can even happen that several people develop research on the same topic and obtain different results.
  • Do not focus the development of your TCC conclusion on the number of pages, as it all depends on the complexity of the topic covered. The most important thing is the quality, not the quantity of information.

Conclusion vs. final considerations

Although the general purpose of the two terms is the same, that of completing the work, the approach may be different for each of the types.

The use of the word "conclusion" indicates that there is a single and final answer to something researched, that is, there are no other possibilities of results because all forms of exploration of the subject have already been applied.

There are those who consider this term too restrictive, as it is practically impossible that the study of a given topic cannot be further developed and, eventually, have other interpretations.

The terminology “final considerations”, in turn, indicates that the research allows for non-definitive reflections, which can be challenged and revised.

Although many understand that conclusion and final considerations are the same thing, the two approaches are slightly different.

Some educational institutions have their preferred approach and, therefore, it is very important to talk to the work advisor to find out how to proceed.

TCC Completion Examples

Check out two TCC models below.

Model 1


Initially, the search for a comprehensive concept for the term Fundamental Law was a somewhat complex task for the researcher, mainly due to the polysemy of that term. The researcher took care to beware of authors who restrict the scope of these rights, as well as of those who greatly expand the list of Fundamental Rights.

The constitutionalist authors suggest that Fundamental Rights are part of an exemplary list of Fundamental Rights, given that changes in the constitution and the ratification of international treaties that could give formal fundamentality to certain rights conquered by the society.

There is a risk that utopian social rights will be inserted into the higher law, which could lead to rights of liberty are harmed in the face of rights of provision that cannot be fulfilled.

It is essential that legal practitioners, especially judges, consider the importance of enforcing the Rights Fundamental by adjusting it to the new political, cultural and axiological aspects that guide the rules of application of the right. It is worth noting that the magistrate's formalism-positivist distances him from his greatest mission – pacification with justice.

Contrary to what fans advocate the formal rigor of positive law, it is seen in the constitutions that the legislator, in a clearly teleological and instrumental conception, it was concerned with adopting principles and guarantees of protection of rights humans. The essence of these provisions can be summarized in the idea that material validity must prevail in given the formal validity of the norm, allowing the application of the law to be harmonized with the factual reality.

The correct interpretation of rules and principles constitutes a challenge that keeps the concern and creative power of jurists and legal practitioners in growing activity. Moving legal norms away from their ethical sense, to reduce them to mere technical rules, will do nothing to overcome the obstacles that arise.

It is evident, therefore, the need for a change in the mentality of operators in the legal system.

Excessive and unjustified adherence to formalism becomes a frequent cause of the perishing of the subjective right guaranteed by the norm of substantive law. This implies discredit in relation to the Judiciary.

The idea of ​​the relevance of constitutional provisions on Fundamental Rights prevails in the Society in which they will be applied, with the deduction that the Formalism has, directly or indirectly, its essence linked to the protection of one or some of the Fundamental Rights advocated in the list of guarantees inscribed in the Constitution.

The modern view of constitutional law implies the purpose of formalism directed to the realization of law and the realization of justice effectively.

In turn, guaranteeism constitutes the constitutional regulation of excesses and arbitrariness. It is from this that the reference line for the demarcation between the just and the unjust can be found. The mission of guaranteeism is to curb the discretion – of the State in relation to the parties, or of one of them in relation to the other, and to enable the realization of material law and justice. Therefore, it is up to the Judiciary Power to temper the principle of legality with the principles of justice.

It is suggested that the judiciary adopt a position of effectively social jurisdiction, without, however, representing a violation of constitutionally guaranteed individual rights.

The essence of jurisdictional activity lies in the power to judge. The judge, personification of the Judiciary Power, has in the process the fundamental instrument for the exercise of jurisdiction. Thus, the judgments, as the supreme goal of the jurisdictional body's performance, have the efficiency of their result subordinated to the full realization of the judge's powers in conducting the process.

It is through the sentence that the realization of law and justice is made possible and, as a corollary, the pacification, and should be seen as the element that guarantees and externalizes the sense of justice of the judge.

These considerations allow us to affirm that the hypotheses were also confirmed, more precisely starting from a primarily teleological vision, aimed more to the objectives that the Democratic Rule of Law intends to reach through the jurisdiction, the considerations pertaining to the speech and the practice were outlined. legal entities.

Theme of the TCC: Fundamental Rights and the Role of the Magistrate: Neoconstitutionalism and legal guarantee
Author: Claudio Melquiades Medeiros
Date: December 2006

Model 2


This scientific research addressed the issue of the Adoption Process in Brazil. In this work, the author sought to outline some topics of relevant issue in the procedure of adoption in the Brazilian legal system, among them, the real interest of the child and adolescent within the institute of adoption, emphasizing the principle of full protection of the child and adolescent, contained in article 227 of the Constitution Federal.

First, a survey was carried out on the concept and evolution of the institute of adoption, concluding that adoption was included in Brazilian law with the characteristics present in the law. As the first law concerning adoption dates from 22.09.1828, however, systematizing the institute, it only came into effect with the Civil Code, established by Law 3,071, of 01.01.1916.

Afterwards, the emergence of Law 3.133, of May 8, 1957, brought important changes to the rules of the Civil Code of 1916, modifying the wording of several articles regarding the adoption, which became welfare.

With the advent of the Minors Code, Law 6,697, of October 10, 1979, full adoption was introduced, where the adopted child was considered legitimate. The great novelty arising from this law was the characteristic of irrevocability granted to full adoption.

However, it was with the creation of the Child and Adolescent Statute, Law 8.069 of June 13, 1990, combined with Article 227 of the Federal Constitution, of 1988, that the adoption in the Brazil gained legal contours and a well-defined objective of full protection for children and adolescents, guaranteeing them the right to family life and integration familiar.

In a second moment of this research, the adoption procedure in Brazil was approached: its requirements, formalities of the adoption process, its effects and resources. Still, it was talked about, the modalities of adoption.

From the above, it is concluded that a person, alone, can, without problems, adopt a child or adolescent. Then, some reflective issues were discussed, such as the adoptee's right to know about their real origin of life, and how adoptive parents could react to their children's questions adoptive. In this topic, the argument used was that the adoptee should indeed know about his status as an adoptive child, but this fact does not imply the undoing of the affective ties already conquered by both, that is, the adoptive family and adopted. Also, still in this topic, it was relevant to emphasize that the paths taken and the desire to find out about the natural family must be the child's own will. It highlights the fact that adoption should not be seen as an escape valve to solve the problem of abandoned minors or infertile couples. Such an institute must be analyzed from two perspectives: as a means of forming a family and aiming at the protection and interest of the minor who, for some reason, was deprived of his biological family.

An issue that must be analyzed in all types of placement of the child and adolescent in a foster family is that, with the possibility of leaving the child with the biological family, in cases where family restructuring is possible, this path should be taken and preferable to the institute of adoption.

It is concluded that adoption is a way to form a family with the same family characteristics as those who already have biological children. The difference in blood or race between two people, in the case of parents and adoptive children, is not a reason to prevent affective, filial, maternity or paternity ties from arising between these people.

If there is the possibility of using the adoption institute, if that is the will of some people who wish to form a family environment and provide the minor's condition in being able to be adopted, there is no need to fail to observe such measure, aiming at the full protection of the child or adolescent, in the exercise of their human rights fundamental, plus the rights to life, health, leisure, education, food, the right to affection and love, essential for the development of any human being.

Source: sequence=1&isAllowed=y
TCC Theme: The Adoption Process in Brazil
Author: Ingrid Cristina de Oliveira
Date: December 2012

Check out the texts below to enrich your knowledge on issues related to the topic of this content.

  • TCC Presentation
  • TCC epigraph: famous phrases to use at work
  • TCC Summary: how to do in ABNT standards (with an example)
  • ABNT standards: formatting rules for academic papers
  • Acknowledgments from TCC (ready model and examples)
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