Light year: What is it and how to Calculate?

Light year (l.y., from English light-year) is unityinmeasureusedatAstronomy. It means the distance a photon (a particle of light) travels in a year.

The speed of light is the fastest there is. The capacity of a photon to travel is 300,000 kilometers per second. Eachlight-yearmatchesThefencein9,5trillionsinkilometers, that is, 9,500,000,000,000 kilometers.

A photon travels the distance from the Moon to planet Earth in about 1 second. Despite being the closest celestial body to Earth, the distance between the Moon and our planet is approximately 384,000 kilometers.

Perwhatlight-yearéTheunityastronomical? Simply to avoid using gigantic numbers, after all, with regard to the Universe, the distances are really immense.

Noconfuse! Light year is not a unit of time.

How to Calculate 1 Light Year?

To find out how much is a light year enoughmultiplyThespeed of lightfurnumberinsecondswhatexiston oneyear. A year has 31,536,000 seconds.

300,000 km * 31,536,000 s= 9,460,800,000,000 km

So if 1 light year equals approximately 9.5 trillion kilometers, what is 2 light years worth?

300,000 km * 31,536,000 s= 9,460,800,000,000 km
9,460,800,000,000 km * 2 km = 18,921,600,000,000 km, that is, eighteen trillion, nine hundred and twenty-one billion and six hundred million kilometers.

Light Year: Quick Questions and Answers

1) Owhaté? An astronomical unit of measurement.

2) WhichThevelocitygiveslight? 300,000 kilometers or 300,000,000 meters per second.

3) Onelight-yearequalsThe? 9,460,800,000,000 kilometers.

Youalsohe canifto interestper:

  • Universe
  • Celestial bodies
  • Planet Earth
  • Order of magnitude
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