Mars. Mars Characteristics

Mars is a planet in the solar system that is fourth from the Sun. At night it is identified by its appearance, a red star, a characteristic that gave it the name Mars, a name made by the ancient Romans. In addition to the Romans, the Chinese, Koreans and Japanese called it the “Fire Star”.
To make a complete movement around the sun, Mars needs 687 days, based on Earth days.
The planet in question has characteristics similar to those of planet Earth, such as, for example, the length of the day and the seasons of the year that are very similar. Furthermore, in 2015 NASA revealed the existence of salt water running down the slopes of the mountains of the red planet.
On the surface of Mars are found polar ice caps made up of icy water and carbon dioxide. The planet is home to the largest mountain in the entire solar system, called Olympus Mons, consisting of a large crater, in addition to a plain and ancient river beds.
According to Hellenic mythology, Mars represents Ares (god of rage and war). The science that aims to study Mars is called areology.

Due to the thin thickness of the Martian atmosphere, temperatures are low, not exceeding 20 degrees, however, the data are imprecise, as they do not take into account the regional particularities of the planet.
In summer the temperature reaches – 36ºC and in winter the temperatures reach – 130ºC.
Mars is a planet smaller than Earth. To perform the rotation movement, the duration is 24.6 hours and translation 687 days.
The planet's diameter is 6,794 kilometers and temperatures fluctuate between 20ºC and –130ºC. The atmospheric composition on mars is carbon dioxide, nitrogen, oxygen and carbon monoxide.

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By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

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FREITAS, Eduardo de. "Mars"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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