Constituent Terms of the Prayer

You constituent terms of the clause they are the words that compose or structure linguistic discourses. They are classified into:

  • essential terms (subject and predicate)
  • Twe were members (verbal complements, nominal complement and passive agent)
  • Accessory Terms (adverbial adjunct, adnominal adjunct, apposed and vocative)

Essential Terms of the Prayer

The name already indicates that there is no prayer without the existence of the subject It's from predicate, since they correspond to the essential terms of the phrasal construction.


O subject it is the person responsible for the action, that is, it is the term which declares or enunciates something.

Subject Types

Subjects are classified into:

1. simple subject: formed by a single core, for example:

Maria walked on the beach. (a subject responsible for the action)

2. Compound Subject: formed by two or more cores, for example:

Maria, João and Manuel went shopping. (three subjects that make up the action)

3. Hidden subject: also called "elliptical or desinencial subject", the hidden subject does not appear declared in the sentence, but there is a person who develops the action, for example:

Went buy oil to fry the potatoes.

(According to the verb conjugation, it is easy to determine which person is responsible for that action, in this case, "me” I went to buy oil to fry the potatoes.)

4. Indeterminate Subject: in this case it is not possible to determine the subject of the action. It usually occurs in sentences that have verbs in the 3rd person plural without reference to the previous element, for example:

Made accusations about you.

It may also appear in sentences composed of 3rd person singular verbs + “if” particle (subject indeterminacy index), for example:

believed in the awareness of the population.

5. Non-existent subject: are called “subjectless clauses”, since there is no element to which the predicate refers.

This type of subject can occur in sentences that present impersonal verbs, that is, the "verb to have" meaning to exist, to happen and indicating the past tense, for example:

There was many comments.

In sentences with the “verb to be” indicating time (hours, dates, etc.) and distances, for example

They are three hours.

Or be used in sentences that have “indicative verbs” of natural phenomena (raining, snowing, drizzling, dusk, dusk, etc.), for example:

drizzled the whole day.


O predicate corresponds to information about the subject which agree with him in number (singular or plural) and person (I, you, he, us, you, them). In other words, the predicate is the term that refers to the subject made up of verbs and complements.

Predicate Types

Predicates are classified into:

1. Nominal Predicate: clauses formed by linking verbs (indicate state), whose nucleus corresponds to a noun (subject predicative), for example:

People remain silent.

Note that the subject predicative designates the term responsible for expressing the subject's state or way of being, in such a way that it highlights a characteristic or attribute of the subject.

2. Verbal Predicate: expresses action, the nucleus being a verb that can be: direct transitive (VTD), indirect transitive (VTI), direct and indirect transitive (VTDI) or intransitive (VI), for example:

  • Luana traveled.(intransitive verb)
  • The girl he likes of new dresses. (indirect transitive verb)

3. Nominal-verb predicate: in this case, the predicate is formed by two cores, that is, a name and a verb, for example:

The girl arrived late at school.

In the example, we have the verb "arrive" with the predicative "delayed", since it directly refers to and complements the subject "girl", therefore, subject predicative.

Terms of the Prayer

The integral terms complement the essential terms of prayer (subject and predicate), they are: the verbal complements (direct and indirect object); O nominal complement it's the passive agent. Although some scholars classify the passive agent as an accessory term.

Verbal Complement

You verbal complements constituents of the prayer are classified into:

Term not governed by preposition which completes the sense of the direct transitive verb (VTD); can be replaced by o, as, os, as, for example:

Bianca was waiting for her boyfriend.

Term governed by preposition which completes the sense of the direct transitive verb (VTI), for example:

Marcela likes chocolates.

Nominal Complement

O nominal complement corresponds to the terms that complement the names by means of prepositions, which can be nouns, adjectives and adverbs, for example:

Joan is proud of the son.

Liability agent

O passive agent is the term used to determine the practitioner of the action in the passive verbal voice, where the subject is called “patient”, that is, he receives the action expressed by the verb.

They are usually accompanied by a preposition (by, by or from), for example:

the house has been tidied by the son (passive agent).

Accessory Terms of the Prayer

You accessory terms of prayer present secondary function in the construction of prayers, as they are used in certain contexts and are unnecessary in others.

The accessory terms have the function of determining the nouns expressing circumstances, they are: adverbial adjunct, adnominal adjunct, apostolic and vocative.

Adverbial Adjunct

O Adverbial Adjunct corresponds to the term referring to the verb, the adjective and the adverb.

They are classified into: mode, time, intensity, negation, affirmation, doubt, purpose, matter, place, means, concession, argument, company, cause, subject, instrument, phenomenon of nature, taste, feeling, price, opposition, addition, condition, by example:

happily the bride has arrived (adverbial adverbial of mode).

Adjunct Assistant

O adnominal deputy it is the term that indicates the agent of the action, in a way that characterizes, modifies, determines or qualifies the name to which it refers (noun); for example:

At two small children played.

I bet

O bet is the term responsible for explaining or better detailing the name to which it refers, for example:

Brasilia, capital of Brazil, was built in the 60s.


O vocative it is a term independent of the clause that does not relate to the subject or predicate. It indicates the "call" or "invocation" of a person or a being (interlocutor), being isolated by commas, for example:

Personal, let's go to the party.

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