Future of the Subjunctive: conjugations and examples

O Future of the Subjunctive it is a tense that indicates an action that will take place in the future.

It expresses the possibility that something will soon happen and generally accompanies the term “when”.

The future of the subjunctive is a tense derived from the perfect tense of the indicative.


when i speak with Maria, this will be resolved.
when he takes the medicines, the symptoms will improve.
when she has the money, will buy a car.

Note that in addition to this tense, the future is also conjugated in two ways in the indicative mode: future of the present and future of the past tense.

Unlike the indicative mode that contains 6 tenses (present, past perfect, past tense, past tense more-than-perfect, present future and past tense), the subjunctive has only 3: present, past tense and the future.

While the indicative is used for habitual actions, the subjunctive mode expresses uncertainty, assumption, possibility and eventuality.


To the regular verbs, that is, those that do not show changes in their radical, the future of the subjunctive has the following endings:

1st conjugation (-ar) 2nd conjugation (-er) 3rd conjugation (-ir)
(I) radical + -ar (I) radical + -er (I) radical + -ir
(You) radical + -airs (You) radical + -eres (You) radical + -ires
(He) radical + -ar (He) radical + -er (He) radical + -ir
(We) radical + -armos (we) radical + -erm (We) radical + -we go
(you) radical + -ardes (you) radical + -erdes (you) radical + -irdes
(They) radical + -arem (They) radical + -erem (They) radical + -irem


For a better understanding, check out three regular verbs conjugated in the future subjunctive below:

1st conjugation (-ar) – verb to love 2nd conjugation (-er) – verb learn 3rd conjugation (-ir) – verb fulfill
when i love when i learn when i comply
when you love when you learn when you comply
when he loves when he learns when he fulfills
when we love when we learn when we comply
when you love when you learn when you fulfill
when they love when they learn when they comply

What about irregular verbs?

You irregular verbs are those that show change in their radicals. To better understand this difference, check out the conjugations of three irregular verbs in the future subjunctive.

1st conjugation (-ar) – verb to be 2nd conjugation (-er) – verb see 3rd conjugation (-ir) – verb come
when i am when i see when i come
when you are when you see when you come
when he is when he sees when he comes
when we are when we see when we come
when you are when you see when you come
when they are when they see when they come

From these examples we can see the differences between the fixed endings of regular verbs.

Entrance Exam Exercises with Feedback

1. (UFScar) "The agreement does not __________ the claims, unless it ____________ our rights and ____________ of the struggle".

The correct sequence that complements this sentence is:

a) replaces – we abdicate – we give up.
b) replaces – we abdicate – we give up.
c) substitute – let us abdicate – let us give up.
d) replaces – let us abidicate – we give up.
e) replaces – let's abdicate – let's give up.

Alternative c: replace – let's abdicate – let's give up.

2. (FAAP) Check the answer corresponding to the alternative that correctly completes the blank:

"No ________. Don't you think it would be preferable for him to ________ without you __________?"

a) interferes – dismisses – obliges.
b) interfere – unsay – oblige.
c) interfere – dissaid – oblige.
d) interferes – unsays – obliges.
e) interfere – disdain – oblige.

Alternative e: interfere – unsay – oblige.

3. (Cefet-MG) The verb in the future of the subjunctive was used in:

The)... he faced the dangers (...) to come and see her in the city.
b) If civilization ever wins this faraway place...
c) They continued to dialogue with some bitterness.
d) I had forgotten to tell him that I had made a promise...
e) and I found the lighthouse keeper busy polishing the metals of the lantern.

Alternative b: If civilization ever wins this faraway place...

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  • future of the present
  • Past Future
  • Verb tenses
  • Verbal Modes

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