Exercises on session, section and assignment

Practice with our new exercises and check the answers commented by our teachers.

But first, let's review:

Session it has the sense of meeting (film session); section has the sense of subdivision (sports section of the newspaper), and assignment it has the sense of yielding (giving space for a party).

question 1

Indicate the sentences in which the word session was used correctly.

a) The therapist scheduled the session for 2:30 pm.
b) I can't find the book in the cooking section.
c) Finally, he decided that he would not transfer the space.
d) This type of material must be placed in another session.
e) We arrived in the middle of the movie session.

Alternatives a) and b):

a) The therapist scheduled the session for 2:30 pm.
e) We arrived in the middle of the movie session.

As for the remaining alternatives:

b) I can't find the book in the cooking section.
Section means specific subdivision or division, so the phrase is right.

c) Finally, he decided that he would not transfer the space.
Assignment means assignment, so the phrase is correct)

d) This type of material must be placed in another session.
Session is time for a date, so the phrase is wrong. Correction: This type of material must be placed in another section.

question 2

Complete the sentences with the words session, section or assignment.

a) Finally, the _____________ of the equipment was authorized.
b) I was determined to make a _____________ nostalgia on Saturday night.
c) How about watching the movie next _____________?
d) Depressed the first _____________ with the psychologist.
e) How do you still not know your electoral _____________?

a) Finally, the assignment of the equipment was authorized. (assignment = assignment)

b) I was determined to have a nostalgia session on Saturday night. (session = duration of a program, activity)

c) How about watching the movie in the next session? (session = duration of a movie)

d) He left the first session with the psychologist depressed. (session = duration of an encounter)

e) How do you still not know your polling station? (section = specific subdivision or division)

question 3

Explain what is the difference between section and session in the sentences below?

1. I am satisfied with the therapy sessions I started a month ago.
2. I've already searched in several sections and I can't find the ideal gift.

In the first sentence, the word “sessions” was written with ss, because it indicates the meetings between the patient and the therapist. In addition to this situation, the word session is used whenever we are writing about the duration of a film or an assembly.

In the second sentence, the word “sections” was spelled with ç, because it indicates divisions of a store. The word section is used whenever we are writing about the division or subdivision of departments, subjects (example: newspaper economics section) or electoral section.

question 4

Fill in the spaces with session, section or assignment.

a) I write articles for the _____________ of art and culture.
b) We can mark the _____________ photographic outdoors.
c) The _____________ of the paintings was made by the painter's family.
d) I was invited to the debut _____________.
e) Must attend the human resources _____________
f) Distressed, the parents looked for the child in the _____________ toys.
g) The _____________ of the goods was ordered by the judge.

a) I write articles for the art and culture section. (section = specific subdivision or division)

b) We can schedule outdoor photo sessions. (session = duration of an activity)

c) The transfer of the paintings was made by the painter's family. (assignment = assignment)

d) I was invited to the premiere session. (session = duration of a movie or show)

e) he must appear in the human resources section. (section = specific subdivision or division)

f) Distressed, the parents looked for the child in the toy section. (section = specific subdivision or division)

g) The transfer of assets was ordered by the judge. (assignment = assignment)

question 5

Indicate the alternative that correctly completes the text below:

Summoned for the extraordinary _____________, he did not hesitate to cancel the week's appointments. At lunch, he picked up the newspaper to read the sports _____________ so he could try to relax a bit before dealing with the _____________ dues contract, which was almost finished.

a) assignment, section, session.
b) assignment, session, section.
c) session, section, assignment.
d) session, assignment, section.
e) section, assignment, session.

Right alternative: c) session, section, assignment.

Session means time for a meeting, meeting, program, cinema.
Section means subdivision, of a department, newspaper, magazine.
Assignment means assignment, of assets, of rights.

Filled text:

Summoned for the extraordinary session, he did not hesitate to cancel the week's appointments. At lunch, he picked up the newspaper to read the sports section and thus try to relax a bit before dealing with the assignment agreement, which was almost finished.

question 6

Complete each sentence with the correct term.

a) The owner of the land authorized his _____________ to the neighbors.
b) The manager asked each _____________ to present their idea for Christmas.
c) The _____________ will be opened by the mayor of the city.
d) I like that supermarket, because the _____________ are well organized.
e) The artist has authorized _____________ the copyright of his work.

a) The owner of the land authorized its transfer to the neighbors. (assignment = assignment)

b) The manager asked each section to present their idea for Christmas. (section = specific subdivision or division)

c) The session will be opened by the mayor of the city. (session = meeting, duration of an activity)

d) I like that supermarket, because the sections are well organized. (section = specific subdivision or division)

e) The artist authorized the assignment of the copyright of his work. (assignment = assignment)

question 7

Indicate whether it is true or false.

a) Session is a subdivision.
b) If I'm planning to go to the movies with my friends, we need to choose a section.
c) I need to write in a note that I am leaving to meet the therapist. In this case, I must write therapy assignment.
d) Assignment has the same meaning as assignment.
e) The right thing is a movie session, economy section and transfer of goods.

True alternatives:

d) Assignment has the same meaning as assignment.
e) The right thing is a movie session, economy section and transfer of goods.

False alternatives and their corrections:

Session is a subdivision. - Section is a subdivision.

If I'm making arrangements to go to the movies with my friends, we need to choose a section. - If I'm planning to go to the movies with my friends, we need to choose a session.

I need to write in a note that I'm leaving to meet the therapist. In this case, I must write therapy assignment. - I need to write in a note that I'm leaving to meet the therapist. In this case, I must write therapy session.

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