Simple and compound noun (with many examples)

Simple and compound nouns are nouns classified according to the number of radicals they present in their structure.

Radical is part of the word that contains the meaning common to all words in the same family. For example, the radical of freeO, freeiro and freearia is free.

What is a simple noun?

Simple nouns are nouns formed by just one stem (guardThe, whereThe, greenand).

Examples of 50 simple nouns

  1. Water
  2. love
  3. antenna
  4. animal
  5. Brazil
  6. padlock
  7. rain
  8. race
  9. dictionary
  10. principal
  11. document
  12. emerald
  13. excursion
  14. fantasy
  15. figures
  16. flower
  17. jelly
  18. goal
  19. hyphen
  20. vegetable garden
  21. Iara
  22. idea
  23. jacket
  24. jewel
  25. karaoke
  26. Moon
  27. light
  28. sea
  29. kid
  30. ship
  31. baby
  32. objective
  33. craft
  34. foot
  35. prison
  36. brush tool
  37. cheese
  38. laughter
  39. salt
  40. silk
  41. time
  42. scissors
  43. a
  44. nail
  45. clothes line
  46. Web site
  47. syrup
  48. yogurt
  49. Zeca
  50. Zoo

What is a compound noun?

Compound nouns are nouns formed by two or more radicals (sendTherainThe, microO-whereat, greenand-emeraldThe).

Examples of 50 compound nouns

  1. cologne
  2. brandy (water + burning)
  3. perfect love
  4. light-year
  5. unsanitary
  6. Rainbow
  7. skyscraper
  8. chat
  9. Hummingbird
  10. I saw you
  11. silkworm
  12. hot dog
  13. sugar cane
  14. Seahorse
  15. pink
  16. burgundy
  17. run Run
  18. cauliflower
  19. ordinance
  20. disart (this + art)
  21. key element
  22. though (in + good + time)
  23. ex-wife
  24. nobleman (son + of + something)
  25. Weekend
  26. flower shop
  27. sunflower (from the verb rotate + sun)
  28. umbrella
  29. night guard
  30. marigold (bad + me + want)
  31. bigwig (from the verb send + rain)
  32. raw material
  33. microwave
  34. parachute (from the verb stop + fall)
  35. hobby (from the verb pass + time)
  36. tomboy
  37. swordfish
  38. leggy (leg + high)
  39. stilt (leg- + long)
  40. plateau (flat + high)
  41. kick (kick + foot)
  42. keychain (from the verb to carry + key)
  43. puzzle
  44. reco-reco
  45. corkscrew
  46. Friday
  47. about human
  48. shuttle
  49. Emerald green
  50. vice president

To study further:

  • All About Simple Noun
  • All about the compound noun
  • Plural of compound nouns
  • Exercises on simple and compound nouns
  • classification of nouns
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