The month of July contains a calendar with many celebrations. They aim to honor professionals, recall historical moments, make the population aware of urgent needs aimed at improving our society, and much more.
Know which ones most celebrated dates in july, a month that has no national holidays:
- July 9: Constitutionalist Revolution Day
- July 17th: Forest Protection Day or Curupira Day
- July 30th: International Friendship Day
Constitutionalist Revolution Day, 9th of July
O Constitutional Revolution Day, July 9, is a historic date that recalls the struggle of the paulistas against the dictatorship of Getúlio Vargas.
After taking power, Vargas did not call for elections as the São Paulo elites had hoped, which provoked a revolt because the state had lost its autonomy.
In May 1932, the murder of four students who demonstrated in favor of the elections then led to the beginning of the Constitutionalist Revolution, which lasted three months. As a result of the Revolution, in 1933 Armando Sales was elected governor of São Paulo.
Constitutional Revolution Day is a state fair in São Paulo.
Forest Protection Day or Curupira Day, July 17
Forest Protection Day or Curupira Day, July 17th, aims to make the population aware of the importance of forests and, therefore, of the need to preserve them.
The date is also known as Curupira Day because Curupira is the protector of the forests, according to Brazilian popular culture.
International Friendship Day, 30th of July
International Friendship Day, July 30th, is a date dedicated to one of the most important relationships for coexistence between peoples.
Celebrated by the United Nations since 2011, the date aims to promote harmony and solidarity among people, which characterizes an initiative for a peaceful world.
Friendship can motivate initiatives for peace, so urgent for stability around the world.
Other dates celebrated in July
BCG Vaccine Day, 1st of July
BCG Vaccine Day, July 1st, celebrates the creation of the vaccine against tuberculosis, which has been mandatory in Brazil since 1976.
The date provides a moment of reflection on the importance of administering BCG in children between 0 and 4 years, as it is the only existing form of immunization against the disease, which is contagious and can lead patients to death.
hospital day, 2nd of July
hospital day, July 2nd, recalls the date of the inauguration of the fourth building of the Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Santos, in 1945.
The construction was carried out far from hills to avoid landslide risks, such as the one that hit part of the hospital in 1928.
The Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Santos is the oldest hospital in Brazil and was inaugurated in 1543.
Brazilian Firefighter's Day, July 2nd
The Brazilian Fireman's Day, July 2nd, dedicates a commemoration in honor of firefighters, who so often risk their lives to save people in fires, landslides and other natural disasters.
The date recalls the inauguration of the Court's Provisional Fire Department, which took place on July 2, 1856.
National Day to Combat Racial Discrimination, 3 July
The National Day to Combat Racial Discrimination, July 3rd, recalls the approval of the first law against racism in Brazil.
The date brings the opportunity to reflect on racial discrimination, as well as motivate the creation of initiatives that try to guarantee respect for people, an attempt to eradicate prejudice.
United States Independence Day, 4th of July
The Independence Day of the United States, 4th of July, recalls the date on which the Independence of the Thirteen Colonies was declared, in 1776. The Thirteen Colonies, which were under the rule of the United Kingdom, gave rise to the formation of the United States.
National Day of Science and Researcher, 8 July
The National Day of Science and Researcher, July 8th, recalls the date of creation of the Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science (SBPC), which happened in 1948.
SBPC plays an important role in the expansion of science and technology in Brazil.
The date aims to encourage a taste for research, in addition to paying tribute to researchers and other professionals linked to science.
Mining Engineer Day, July 10
Mining Engineer Day, July 10, is a tribute to mining engineers. The date recalls the birth of Pedro Demóstenes Rache, an engineer who created the Federal Council of Engineering and Agronomy – Confea, a professional inspection body established in 1933.
World Population Day, 11 July
World Population Day, July 11, is a date that appears on the calendar of the United Nations (UN). It was instituted in 1987, the year in which the number of people on the planet reached 5 billion.
The date mobilizes everyone to the need to carry out family planning, in an attempt to ensure a better future for women and their families.
Forest Engineer Day, 12 July
Forest Engineer Day, July 12th, is a tribute to São João Gualberto on the day of his death, in 1073. This saint was known as the "protector of the forest", a title given by Pope Pius XII.
The date brings the opportunity to understand the importance of forestry engineers to the ecosystem - in the recovery of degraded environments, in coordinating the extraction of raw materials, among others.
Sanitation Engineer Day, July 13
Sanitation Engineer's Day, July 13, aims to make people aware of the importance of this professional and, thus, honor him on a specific date for him.
The sanitation engineer is responsible for managing basic sanitation, which aims to ensure basic public health conditions.
World Rock Day, July 13th
World Rock Day, July 13, brings the opportunity to learn more about this musical genre that emerged in the United States in the late 40s.
The date came at the suggestion of singer Phil Collins in a musical event called Live Aid. The event, which aimed to make the world aware of poverty in Ethiopia, was held simultaneously in England and the United States.
Freedom of Thought Day, 14th of July
The Day of Freedom of Thought, July 14th, is celebrated on a milestone day, which started the French Revolution. On July 14, 1789, the Fall of the Bastille took place, which was a prison that represented French absolutism.
Within this context, the Declaration of Human and Citizen's Rights was approved. Years later, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was elaborated, which includes the right to freedom of thought.
In addition to historical knowledge, this celebration brings the opportunity to make people aware of the right to defend their ideas.
World Youth Skills Day, 15 July
World Youth Skills Day, July 15th, aims to value and reflect on the capabilities of young people with the aim of creating more job opportunities. In this way, there would be more chances to overcome moments of greater crisis.
The date brings the opportunity to promote initiatives that enhance the skills of young people.
man's day, july 15th
man's day, July 15th, aims to raise awareness among Brazilians about the health care that should be taken by men.
Unlike women, who are encouraged to see a gynecologist from a young age, men do not see a doctor regularly. Regular doctor visits could help prevent or treat more common male illnesses.
Merchant's Day, 16th of July
Merchant's Day, July 16th, is celebrated in recognition of the fundamental role of this professional for the economy.
The commemorative date was established in 1953 by Law No. 2.48, of October 28th. The choice of commemoration took into account the birth of Viscount de Cairu, a Brazilian economist who promoted important economic reforms in our country.
Nelson Mandela International Day, 18 July
Nelson Mandela's International Day, July 18th, was created by the UN General Assembly in honor of one of the leaders of the movement against apartheid and winner of the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize.
The date calls humanity to reflect on Mandela's dedication to peace and freedom and thus motivates each of us to take some action that can improve the world.
The choice of date refers to Mandela's birth on July 18, 1918.
Charity Day, July 19th
the day of charity, July, 19, aims to encourage people to be in solidarity with each other, as well as providing situations in which human solidarity can be demonstrated.
The date was established in 1966 by Law No. 5.063, of 4 July. This law states the need to promote initiatives in hospitals, nursing homes, orphanages, among others.
National Football Day, 19th of July
National Football Day, July, 19, is a commemoration created in 1976 by the Brazilian Football Confederation (CBF). The date coincides with the foundation of the first registered football club in Brazil.
The date provides a moment to discover the history of football, as it is the most popular sport in our country.
Officially introduced in Brazil in 1894 by Charles Miller, few people know that football was a ritual of war.
Day of Man's Arrival on the Moon (1969), 20 July
The Day of Man's Arrival on the Moon (1969), July 20th, was a milestone for humanity, because by achieving this difficult feat, man proved his ability to overcome.
On July 20, 1969, after four days of traveling, Neil Armstrong said this phrase as he stepped on the moon: “This is a small step for a man; a gigantic leap for humanity."
National Garimpeiro Day, 21st of July
The National Day of the Garimpeiro, July 21st, was established through Law No. 11,685, of June 2, which establishes the garimpeiro statute.
On this date, it is opportune to make people aware of the work of the miners who work based on the principles of sustainable development. The activity of miners - extraction of mineral wealth - is very important for economic development.
World Brain Day, 22nd of July
World Brain Day, July, 22, is a date that aims to make the world population aware of brain health.
It is an opportunity to draw people's attention to the importance of being attentive to certain signals given by our body, thus increasing the possibilities of diagnosis and treatments suitable.
Road Guard Day, 23 July
Road Guard Day, July 23, pays tribute to the professionals responsible for policing activities on Brazilian highways. His responsibilities include enforcement, road safety awareness initiatives and cargo control.
The date coincides with the creation of the so-called "traffic inspectors" in 1935.
National Pig Farmer's Day, 24th of July
The National Pig Farmer's Day, July 24th, dedicates a date to the importance of pork producers, which is an economically very important agribusiness for our country.
Brazil is one of the largest pork producers in the world. The states in the southern region are the largest Brazilian exporters.
National Writer's Day, July 25
Writer's Day, July 25th, pays homage to the country's writers, offering the opportunity to inform the population about the works of these professionals and, thus, enhance national literature.
The date coincides with the realization of the I Festival of the Brazilian Writer, which was promoted in the 60s by the União Brasileira de Escritores, of which Jorge Amado - a great representative of Brazilian literature - participated part.
Grandparents day, 26th of July
grandparents day, July 26, dedicates a date to her grandparents in recognition of the affection and dedication for her grandchildren.
The commemoration recalls July 26, 1584, when Pope Gregory VII canonized St. Anne and St. Joachim, the parents of Mary and grandparents of Jesus Christ. Therefore, Ana and Joaquim are considered the patrons of their grandparents.
National Archeologist Day, 26th of July
National Archeologist Day, July 26, pays tribute to the professionals responsible for the study and rescue of history through the analysis of material remains.
The date, whose creation was established by Law No. 12,128, of December 17, 2009, brings the opportunity to know the work performed by archaeologists in Brazil.
Pediatrician's Day, July 27
Pediatrician's Day, July 27th, dedicates a commemoration to professionals who are dedicated to child health.
The choice of date was based on the foundation of the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics (SBP), which took place in 1910.
The SBP is considered the largest medical specialty society in the country, and was created by Dr. Fernandes Figueira, whose objective was to promote the evolution of children's medicine.
Farmer's Day, July 28th
Farmer's Day, July 28th, is an occasion dedicated to valuing these professionals who play a fundamental role in society, as they work in the production of essential goods.
The date was established in 1960 through Decree No. 48.630, of July 27, in commemoration of the centenary of the Ministry of Agriculture, on July 28, 1960.
World Day against Trafficking in PersonsJuly 30th
World Day against Trafficking in Persons, July 30th, aims to raise awareness about human trafficking.
The date brings the opportunity to make known what human trafficking is, how it can be identified and how its victims can be helped and thus challenges humanity to strive to end this activity, which characterizes a serious violation of rights humans.
World Ranger Day, 31 July
World Ranger Day, July 31st, is a date dedicated to honoring professionals responsible for the preservation of fauna and flora in natural areas controlled by the government.
In addition to the tribute to professionals - including those who lost their lives in the performance of their functions - the celebration brings the opportunity to make known the importance of your work for the environment.
Celebrations for each day of July
July 1st: BCG Vaccine Day
July 2nd: Hospital Day and Brazilian Fire Fighter Day
July 3rd: National Day to Combat Racial Discrimination and Bahia Independence Day
4th of July: USA Independence day
July 6th: IBGE creation day
July 7: World chocolate day
July 8th: National Science and Researcher's Day, Ouro Preto's Birthday and Baker's Day
July 9: Day of the Constitutional Revolution and Day of the Creation of the National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform (INCRA)
July 10: Mining Engineer Day, World Law Day, Pizza Day and Eye Health Day
July 11: World Population Day
July 12th: Forest Engineer Day
July 13: Sanitation Engineer's Day, Singer's Day, World Rock Day and Country Songwriters and Singers Day
July 14th: Freedom of Thought Day, Aquaculture Engineer Day and Laboratory Propagandist Day
July 15th: Men's Day, National Club Day, World Youth Skills Day and National Livestock Farmer's Day
July 16th: merchant's day
July 17th: Forest Protection Day or Curupira Day
July 18th: Nelson Mandela International Day and Troubadour Day
July, 19: Charity Day and National Football Day
July 20th: Friend's Day and International Friendship Day, Man on the Moon Day (1969) and Pan-American Engineer's Day
July 21st: National day of the garimpeiro
July, 22: World Brain Day and Opera Singer Day
July 23: road guard day
July 24th: National Pig Farmer's Day
July 25th: National Writer's Day, Black Latino and Caribbean Women's Day, Colonist Day and Driver's Day
July 26: Grandparents Day and National Archeologist Day
July 27th: World Day for Awareness and Fight against Head and Neck Cancer, Pediatrician Day, National Day for the Prevention of Occupational Accidents and Motorcyclist Day
July 28th: World Day to Fight Viral Hepatitis and Farmer's Day
July 30th: International Friendship Day and World Day against Trafficking in Persons
July 31st: World Ranger Day
Moving dates: International Cooperative Day (first Saturday in July)
See too: August commemorative dates and man's journey to the moon.