Description: understand what it is with examples

Description is the same as detailing, showing or making known the characteristics of something or someone, which can be done orally, textually or visually.

The description can be present in a conversation, in a text or in an image. With examples, it's easier to understand.

Examples of oral, textual and visual descriptions

Example of an Oral Description:

— We can meet tomorrow at 10:00 am in front of that restaurant that opened in the center of the city, which is next to the library. What do you think?
- Yes may be. But how will I know who you are?
'Well, as you know, I'm from medium height, thin and I have dark hair. I'm going to wear jeans and a dark green shirt. I will have a black briefcase in my hands.

Example of a Text Description:

This is John. He has been working in the commercial department for a year. Your table is next to mine. João comes to work by bus and arrives at the company before 9:00 am. He usually has lunch at the corner restaurant and leaves at 18:00. At the end of the day, he hitches home with his cousin.

Better understand this textual genre in Descriptive Text.

Example of a Visual Description:

DescriptionThis photo describes a happy moment.

The 2 types of description

There is not just one way to describe something. The description is subject to the knowledge and impressions of the person who describes it. There are two types: Objective Description and Subjective Description.

1. Objective Description

The objective description impartially conveys the characteristics of something, it limits itself to the facts as objectively as possible.

Example of objective description:

"The city is small and quiet. There all people know each other. What's in the city is practically a few shops, a school, a church and a square."

It should be noted that even if it is an objective description, what is described depends on the choice of descriptor.

Thus, the descriptor above chose to talk about the size and what was in the city. But I could have chosen to speak of the number and customs of its inhabitants.

2. Subjective Description

The subjective description conveys the opinion of the descriptor. For this reason, the use of adjectives is common.

Subjective description example:

"THE pretty town is small and quiet. There all people know each other. What's in the city comes down to practically a few few stores, a school very good, a church beautiful and a square very flowery."

Continue your search:

Objective Description and Subjective Description

Description: what is it, features, types and how to do it

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