Dissertation-argumentative text: structure, how to do it and examples

The text essay-argumentative it is a textual type that consists in defending an idea through arguments, opinion and reasoned explanations.

This type of text has as its main objective the formation of the reader's opinion. Thus, it is characterized by trying to convince or persuade the interlocutor of the message through argumentation.

In the National High School Exam (Enem) this is the type of text requested from students, whose theme addresses current social, scientific, cultural or political issues.

The structure of the dissertation-argumentative text

The essay-argumentative text is divided into three parts: introduction, development and conclusion.

1. Introduction

In the introduction, the central theme that will be addressed in the text should be mentioned in order to situate the interlocutor.

This part should comprise about 25% of the overall size of the text.

2. Development

All the ideas mentioned in the introduction must be developed in an opinionated and argumentative way in this part of the text, whose dimension must comprise about 50% of the text.

3. Conclusion

The conclusion must be a summary of the problem addressed, but with considerations that express the result of what was thought throughout the text.

Its size comprises about 25% of the text.

How to make an argumentative essay text?

The steps necessary to produce a dissertation-argumentative text are:

1. Choice of theme and problem

Choosing a topic for a dissertation is the first step in producing a dissertation-argumentative text.

In Enem entrance exams and exams, the theme of the essay is presented through motivating (support) texts that usually bring up issues related to the current context.

After choosing the theme, it is necessary to reflect on the subject to understand what knowledge we have about it. In addition, making a cut about what is intended to be discussed is essential. In other words, imagine that the topic is about abortion. What are we going to say about this topic?

The cut is that, the choice of a topic about the thesis (central theme) and which can be, in this example: the meaning of abortion; current abortion legislation; causes and consequences of abortion; abortion in Brazilian society.

Therefore, in addition to choosing the theme, it is important to have a cut, that is, the search for a problem to develop in the newsroom.

In short:

  • What theme did you choose?
  • What is the knowledge on this topic?
  • What is the specific problem on the topic you want to talk about?

2. Search for opinion and arguments on the topic

The essay-argumentative text has the author's opinion on a certain topic. However, this opinion should not be expressed in the first person singular (I) but in the first or third person plural (We, Them).

The most important thing about a dissertation-argumentative text is the organization, clarity and presentation of the arguments.

For this, it is necessary to reflect on the topic, thus seeking a personal truth or value judgment on the topic addressed. This is because the opinion on the subject will reinforce the argument.

Thus, select examples, facts and evidence to ensure the validity of your opinion, while justifying each part. A tip is to make an outline of the text structure and write everything down in a draft to better organize the ideas.

In short:

  • What is your opinion about the dissertation topic?
  • What arguments, examples and facts will be used in the essay?

understand better about the Opinion article.

3. Text completion

At the end of a dissertation-argumentative text, a solution to the problem exposed in the dissertation is sought.

Thus, it is time to present a synthesis of the exposed discussion, where the thesis (main idea) is resumed, proposing a solution to the problem and adding the final remarks.

In short:

  • What are the possible solutions to the problem exposed?
  • Which paths can be chosen to solve the problem?

learn here how to make a good essay-argumentative text.

Examples of essay-argumentative texts

Text 1

Theme: violence in schools

We often hear about violent acts at school. If their presence on the streets was not enough, supposedly safe environments - namely schools - are more than ever the target of acts of violence.

Values ​​are lost to the point where not only among students, but among students and teachers, or vice versa, the cases of aggression are frequently reported.

Force is taken at the expense of reason and conflicts are resolved irrationally from childhood, whose children absorb this type of behavior early under the influence of the increasingly violent society in which we live.

Parental participation in their children's school life is essential to establish norms and restore values ​​that have been lost. Therefore, it can be concluded that the approximation between parents and school is one of the main drivers for mitigating this problem.

Text 2

Theme: Democratization of access to cinema in Brazil

* Example of a dissertation-argumentative text that reached 1000 grade in Enem 2019. Author: Amanda Rocha, 21 years old, Itaituba (PA)

The construction of manors, walls that delimited a certain area in the Middle Ages, segregated thousands of people and made it impossible to access goods that only the nobility could enjoy. Similar to that time, in the contemporary Brazilian context, cinema is one of the countless means of democratize culture, but it is still "feudalized", since a large part of the population remains alien to this service. So, both the concentration of television drama theaters in more economically developed regions, as well as the exorbitant prices of tickets and food, sold exclusively by the owner company, mutilate citizenship and enshrine important symbologies of power.

From this perspective, culture is essential for the identity of a people and, undoubtedly, cinema is a fundamental tool for inclusion and propagation of social values. However, according to geographer Milton Santos, in the text "Mutilated Citizenship", democracy, extremely necessary for the cultural foundation of the individual, is only effective when it reaches the entire social body, that is, to the extent that rights are universal and enjoyed by all citizens. Thus, the concentration of movie theaters in areas with high economic development and the alienation of thousands of people to this service prove that there is no democratization of access to film culture in Brazil, marginalizing a large portion of society without resources financial.

Also, the abusive ticket prices, the division of rooms into comfort categories and the prohibition of entry of drinks and food, which are not sold at the establishment, further divide the society. This can be explained by theorist Pierre Bourdieu, who claims that all the minutiae of an individual constitute symbologies that are constantly analyzed by the social body, that is, purchasing power, personal characteristics and access to goods and services reflect who is the man for another. Thus, the high cost practiced by cinematographic networks symbolically violates those who cannot contemplate the big screens and increases inequality.

Therefore, it is up to the private sector, in partnership with states and municipalities, to promote the interiorization of teledramaturgy rooms, through the construction of new ventures in areas far from the economic poles and the reduction of costs for low-income consumers, thus encouraging a more democratic. In addition, it is the responsibility of Ancine, the National Cinema Agency, to establish a more effective communication channel with the viewer, through applications and interactive social networks, so that complaints and complaints about abusive prices can be made. As a social effect, the democratization of cinema in Brazil will be a reality, thus destroying social barriers and "fiefdoms".

Learn more at:

  • the argument
  • Textual genres
  • Cohesion and Coherence

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