Gerundismo: what is it, examples and exercises

Gerundism is a language addiction and therefore should be avoided. It is often found when one opts for the frequent use of the gerund, having in its place an appropriate conjugation in grammatical terms.

This is what happens when the gerund is used instead of a verb in the future. This causes, incorrectly, a verb to be presented with the idea of ​​continuity. Example:

I will be calling you as soon as the order arrives. (wrong)

I will call as soon as the order arrives.
I will call as soon as the order arrives. (right)

Gerund and Gerundism

O gerund is a nominal form. It is he who indicates the continuity of an action. Examples:

  • I'm studying nominal forms and language vices.
  • I was studying when you arrived.
  • I've been studying before you arrive.
  • would be studying if you hadn't interrupted me.
  • I will be studying when Ana returns.

There are accepted forms that are confusing because they resemble gerundism. Are those that show the development of an action simultaneously with another. Examples:

  • when he arrives in town I'll be working.
  • when Ana returns I will be studying.
  • I will be watching telly when you arrive.

O gerundism, as we have seen, is its overuse and in grammatical inappropriate situations. Examples:

  • I will be attending you as soon as possible.
  • I will be sending your documents to the department after making all copies.
  • I will be giving your message as soon as the clerk arrives.

Learn more at Gerund and Language vices.


1. (Enem-2006) About the gerund, the nominal form of the verb, it is correct to say:

I. The gerund, like the infinitive and the participle, is a nominal form of the verb. It receives this designation because, in addition to its verbal value, it can play the role of names.

II. It can play the role of an adverb or adjective, being used to indicate a continuous action, that is, an action that is in progress, not completed at the time of speech.

III. The gerund should be avoided, as its excessive use can lead to gerundism, a phenomenon considered to be a language addiction.

IV. The gerund, like the other nominal forms, is formed by the theme (stem + thematic vowel) and, in its specific case, added by the ending -ndo.

V. Spoken, rushed, accepted, delivered and written are examples of verbs inflected in the gerund.

a) I, II and IV
b) II, III and IV
c) IV and V
d) I and IV
e) III and V

Alternative to: I, II and IV.

2. (IF-GO/2013) For you to be passing on

This article was made especially so that you can be cutting it and can be leaving it discreetly on the table of someone who can't be talking without spreading this terrible plague of modern communication, the future of gerund. You may also be faxing, sending in the mail, or sending over the internet.

The important thing is to ensure that the person in question will be receiving this message, so that they can be reading it and, who knows, can even realizing the way everything she's usually talking about must be ringing in the ears of those who need to be listening. (…)

FREIRE, Ricardo. The hundred best Brazilian chronicles.

São Paulo: Objective, 2010, p. 345-346. [Adapted]

Regarding the text, it is correct to say:

a) The author criticizes the use of the gerund and its negative consequences for contemporary communication.
b) As it is an objective text, the author does not use ironies in his narrative.
c) The author recognizes that the “futuro do gerúndio” is a verb tense adopted by the standard norm of the Portuguese language, although he does not recommend its use.
d) The author of the text demonstrates difficulties in adapting to the standard norm of the Portuguese language.
e) The use of the “gerund future” as a text composition strategy is useful to show how repetitive and tiring this language addiction is, in the author's opinion.

Alternative e: The use of the “gerund future” as a text composition strategy is useful to show how repetitive and tiring this language addiction is, in the author's opinion.

3. (IBMEC-SP/2014)

The gerund, one of the noun forms of the verb, is being used properly in all alternatives, except:

a) I will be contacting you to solve the problem.
b) Life passes while we are busy making plans.
c) I've been looking for solutions to my problems.
d) They were smiling, playing and enjoying the walk in the park.

Alternative a: I will be contacting you to resolve the issue.

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