Below or Below: when to use?

The terms “below”, written together, and “below”, written separately, are two words that have the same sound but different spellings. Furthermore, they are used in different situations.

Both cause a lot of confusion when we have to write an essay. Therefore, learn once and for all to use them correctly by checking their meanings, rules, uses and examples below.


The word "below", written together, is an adverb of place meaning that something is in an inferior position in relation to something else.

It is synonymous with below, below, below, below and antonymous with above, above and above.

Furthermore, it is common for this term to be accompanied by a preposition, thus formed, an adverbial phrase, for example: underneath.


I left the bag down of the stairs.
the books are down from the desk.
During the game, the children hid down of the table.
Go home and get the keys I left down of the mat.
I spent all day down of the blankets.

Note: one way to know if you are using the correct term is to change the sentence to its antonym. Example: The books are on of the table.


When written separately, the term “below” plays the role of an adjective in the sentence. That is, in this case, it qualifies a noun:


During class speak with your voice under tone.
The artist's painting is under relief.
In this stretch it's better to drive low velocity.
In this option the camera is under contrast.
In the interview, the conversation was under slang.

Did you know?

In Portuguese spoken in Portugal, the separate written term “below” is used as an adverb of place: "Estou under of the awning waiting for you".

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