Uses of Comma (, )

O usedThe vcomma it's not as simple as it sounds, but not so complicated that it can't be learned once we know its rules and tricks.

Doubts arise daily about this graphic sign whose omission or incorrect use can completely change the meaning of the speech.


  • This one, Mom, never cleans the house.
  • This mother never cleans the house.
  • No, I want to know what's going on.
  • I don't want to know what's going on.

In short, the comma has the function of separate elements within the same sentence or sentence.

When to Use Comma

1. To separate elements

The comma serves to separate, within the same sentence, elements that have the same syntactic function and that, as a rule, are not linked by conjunctions and, nor, or.

Objectives, content, method and teaching resources make up a plan.

Trick: If you're listing a lot of things, you'll need to use a comma!

2. after the vocative

The comma is used to separate someone's invocation.

Ana, answer the bell!

Trick: Is he calling someone? Use comma later!

3. enter the bet

Often the bet appears between commas.

João, a high school teacher, is on leave.

Trick: Did you introduce an explanation or clarification in the middle of the prayer? use comma.

4. After the adverbs "yes" and "no"

The comma is used after these adverbs when they begin a prayer that acts as an answer.

Yes, we are pleased with the results.

Trick: After yes or no initials in answers, always put a comma.

5. In text merge

A comma is used to insert expressions that are inserted into a clause, as well as clauses that are inserted into other clauses.

But I saw the options I had.
He will by no means obey.
The actress, the audience said, performed brilliantly.

Trick: Put between commas whatever is "breaking" a sentence that by itself already makes sense.

6. in theadverbial subordinate rations

The comma must be present when separating adverbial subordinate clauses, especially when they start the clause.

Although the weather was bad, they went to the beach.

Trick: When a clause with an adverb function is before the main clause, use a comma. If it appears later, the comma is dropped.

7. In subordinate clauses explanatory adjectives

The comma must be used in accessory information, which expand or clarify information, but which can be removed from the sentence...

Gregório de Matos, which is the main expression of baroque in Brazil, was known as the “mouth of hell”.

Trick: Not always that we use "that", it means that we use comma, but when the information entered is accessory, put comma.

There are cases where the information after the "what" is essential for us to understand the message. See below when not to use the comma in these cases.

8. in omitting verbs

The comma is used to mark the omission of words, being mostly used in the omission of the verb.

Let's go by car; them, by bus.

Trick: A comma is used in some cases to replace a word that has already been used in the sentence. But beware, this is an unusual way of writing and can be misleading. The best trick is not to try to write that way.

9. Tracking place and date

A comma is used to separate the name from the date.

Brazil, July 24, 2015.

Trick: Easy: Location, Date. Ever.

When not to use the comma

the comma cannot be used in the following situations:

1) To separate subject from predicate

2) To separate the verb from the complement


  • The teacher, will finalize the lesson plan during this week. (wrong)
  • The teacher will finalize the lesson plan during this week. (right)
  • Teachers, parents and students gathered in the school auditorium. (wrong)
  • Teachers, parents and students gathered in the school auditorium. (right)

It is also not used in the following situation:

3) Adjective Restrictive Subordinated Prayer

The reports he prepared are under the table.

Trick: "That he prepared": This information is essential for us to know what reports are! Do not put a comma.

Frequently asked questions about the use of the comma

When the subject is a comma, the most frequent questions regarding its use are:

1. Before the "and"

Usually the comma is not used before the conjunction and, as well as conjunctions nor and or, except in the following situations: when there is repetition of the conjunction with emphatic purpose, when the subjects of the sentences are different and when the conjunction e conveys a value of difference and not of addition.


  • I did, and I did, and I did more for them all.
  • Mariana studied medicine, and Marília journalism.
  • He ran as fast as he could, and still he didn't take the bus.

Learn more about this topic:

  • Comma before the "and"
  • comma before but

2. Before the "what"

In the case of an Explanatory Adjective Subordinated Clause, the comma must be used, as we saw in the example given above:

Gregório de Matos, which is the main expression of baroque in Brazil, was known as the “mouth of hell”.

However, with respect to the Restrictive Adjective Subordinate Prayer, the comma is not used, as we have also seen in another example given above:

The reports he prepared are on the table.

When to use a semicolon (; )

O semicolon is used in the following situations:

1. In coordinated or subordinate prayers

When these sentences are long or already have commas.

It is difficult to reach a consensus when he, who spends his life watching television, loves movies; she, who spends her life reading, is passionate about theatre.

2. in the lists

To separate a relationship of elements.

Question Mark;
Exclamation mark;

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