General Chemistry (3)

Vaporization is the change from a liquid to a gaseous state and is the inverse process of liquefaction. A substance can undergo the vaporization process in three ways: evaporation,...

Proust's Law, Law of Constant Proportions or Law of Definite Proportions, was formulated in the early nineteenth century by the French chemist Joseph Louis Proust (1754-1826) which...

Sulfur is a chemical element with the symbol S. In the periodic table, it is part of the non-metals, in the family of chalcogens (family VI A). Did you know? The sulfur symbol is...

Surface tension is a phenomenon that occurs on the surface of liquids, such as water, forming a thin film. When water, in a liquid state, occupies a container, we can perceive the...

Magnetic Separation, also known as magnetization, is a method of separating solid heterogeneous mixtures. Among the mixed substances, one of them has properties...

Avogadro's Law, also known as Avogadro's Constant, is a principle established in 1811 by the Italian chemist Amedeo Avogadro (1776-1856). It indicates that "equal volumes of two gases...

According to polarity, molecules are classified into polar and non-polar. When subjecting a molecule to an electric field (positive and negative poles) and an attraction occurs due to...

Oxygen (O) is the most abundant chemical element on the Earth's surface. It can be found in free form or combined with other substances such as water (H2O). Oxygen is...

Hydrolysis is a chemical process that involves the breakdown of a molecule in the presence of water. Remember that the term "hydro" means water and "lysis" is related to breakage. That...

Marie Curie (1867-1934) was a French-born Polish scientist who contributed to studies of radioactivity and the first woman to receive a Nobel Prize. She also discovered the elements...

Chlorine is a chemical element with the symbol Cl, atomic number 17, atomic mass 35.5. It belongs to the halogen family, group 17 or 7A, and to the third period of the periodic table. Your...

Fractional Dissolution is a method of separating solid heterogeneous mixtures that is carried out in parts, that is, in a fractional form. It is used when there are substances in the mixtures...

Niobium (Nb) is the chemical element of atomic number 41 belonging to group 5 of the periodic table. It is a transition metal available in nature in solid state, which was...

Phosphorus is a chemical element with the symbol P, atomic number 15, atomic mass 30.97. It belongs to group 15 or 5A and third period of the periodic table. Its name comes from the Latin...

Lavoisier was a French chemist, considered one of the fathers of modern chemistry. He is the author of the phrase: “In nature nothing is created, nothing is lost, everything is transformed”. He enunciated the “Law...

Gold is a chemical element in the Periodic Table represented by the symbol Au, whose atomic number is 79 and belongs to the transition metals. It is one of the first metals that were...

Boiling is the change from a liquid to a gaseous state. It happens when a portion of liquid, subjected to a given pressure, receives heat and reaches a certain temperature. THE...

Zinc is a chemical element with the symbol Zn, atomic number 30, atomic mass 65.4 and located in group 12 of the periodic table. At room temperature, zinc is found in a...

Electropositivity is a periodic property that indicates the tendency of an atom to lose electrons in a chemical bond. From this loss, cations are formed. Cations are ions...

Uranium is a chemical element on the Periodic Table represented by the symbol U, whose atomic number is 92 and belongs to the actinide family. It is the element with the most atomic nucleus...

Molecular formula is the scheme that indicates the composition of molecules. This means that from it we know which elements compose it, the number of atoms of each element and the...

Experiments are a practical way to learn and test your knowledge of the concepts studied in Chemistry. Take advantage of these chemical experiments, which can be done at home (under...

Lead is a chemical element with atomic number 82, atomic mass 207.2 and belonging to group 14 of the periodic table. It is characterized by being a heavy, toxic and malleable metal. In...

Lithium is a chemical element with the symbol Li, atomic number 3, atomic mass 7, belonging to group 1 (Family 1A), being an alkali metal. Its name derives from the Greek lithos, which means...

Argon is a chemical element with the symbol Ar, atomic number 18, atomic mass 40 and belonging to group 18 (VIIIA) of the periodic table. It is the most abundant noble gas on Earth, it is estimated...

Bismuth is a chemical element with the symbol Bi, atomic number 83, atomic mass 208.9 u. It belongs to group 15 and family 5A. In nature, bismuth is infrequent, which raises your...

Barium is a chemical element with the symbol Ba, atomic number 56 and atomic mass 137,327, belonging to group 2 (Family 2A) of the periodic table, being an alkaline earth metal. Your name...

Test your knowledge of the Periodic Table with the following 10 questions. Check out the comments after the feedback to get your questions answered. Question 1 The Periodic Table is a...

Helium is the symbol element He in the Periodic Table, which has the atomic number 2, and is found in ambient conditions in the form of a gas. The main characteristics of helium are:...

Fire is evidence of a combustion reaction between fuel, oxidizer and ignition source. The flame is the visible part of the chemical reaction, in a system that maintains itself with...

Test your knowledge with the following 15 questions about atoms. Check out the comments after the feedback to get your questions answered. Atomic structure Question 1 Atomistic is the...

Browned bananas, why do they get that color?

Bananas are tropical fruits, that is, they like heat. The mania that everyone has is to keep them...

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Onion and Tears: Chemistry Explains

What is the relationship between chemistry and the tears that come when we cut onions? The chemis...

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Relationship between chocolate and emotional upheavals

The breakup of a love relationship can bring consequences to the body such as: permanent anxiety,...

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