Hebrew Civilization. Characteristics of Hebrew Civilization

In the Western world, we know that the predominant religion is Christianity. We also know that Christianity was born within traditional Judaism, which, in turn, is the religion of peopleHebrew or from civilizationHebrew. The Hebrews are therefore one of the most influential civilizations in the world. Even those who do not know how they emerged and organized themselves have heard of names like Abraham, Noah and Moses.

well, the Hebrews they are Semitic peoples, that is, they have their origin narrated (both historically and religiously speaking) from the character Without, son of Noah, who appears in the Genesis account. From without drift the term Semitic. The social organization of the Hebrews began in the region of Mesopotamia, where the Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian, Chaldean and Babylonian civilizations also developed. In several passages of the Hebrew historical books, there are even reports of these peoples, such as the episode in which the Hebrews were subjugated in captivity in Babylon.

However, it was in the region of Phenicia (present-day Lebanon and Syria) and the Sinai Peninsula (present-day Egypt) that the Hebrews effectively settled for centuries. As stated, Hebrew society had a patriarchal structure, and this implied that the patriarch exercised the functions of military chief, judge and priest, in addition to being the moral and political authority of his clan.

The so-called “Hebrew Bible”, which is also known by Christians as the Old Testament, compiles texts of various shades, from the texts of the so-called Torah (or the Pentateuch), passing through historical, prophetic, lineages of kings and wisdom texts. The entire trajectory of the Hebrew people is compiled in these books. THE Torah it is divided into five parts: Bereshit (or Genesis), Shemot (or Exodus), Veyikra (or Leviticus), Bamidbar (or Numbers) and Devarim (or Deuteronomy).

The Hebrews, unlike the other peoples of Mesopotamia, the Persians, the Egyptians, the Phoenicians and several other peoples of the The Middle East, who were their contemporaries, were monotheists, that is, they believed in one God, creator of everything and everyone. The development of Hebrew civilization was driven by the belief in one God. In the historical phase of the patriarchs, the first narrated by the Hebrew tradition, there is the figure of Abraham, who made a covenant with this unique God. From this first covenant and from the promises that God made in it, the Hebrews drew their main social pillars.

The main moral source guiding the actions of the Hebrews is the call decalogue, the ten commandments, which would have been spoken to Moses by God himself. The main political leaders of the Hebrew State were: Samson, Gideon, Samuel, Saul, David and Solomon.

By Me. Cláudio Fernandes

Hebrew Civilization. Characteristics of Hebrew Civilization

In the Western world, we know that the predominant religion is Christianity. We also know that Ch...

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