Northern Region Industries

Among all Brazilian regions to the north, it is the least industrially developed. For several decades the region has had its economic activities linked to sectors with little application technological and operating in the agro-industrial sectors that produce food, textiles, leather, rubber, etc.
Despite this, at the end of the last century this region began to develop, in the eastern Amazon activities such as mining and metallurgy were the ones that grew the most. In the western Amazon, development took place in industry, especially in electronics.
In the eastern part, the changes occurred as a result of mineral extraction in Serra dos Carajás and Oriximiná, in addition to the proximity to the Tucuruí hydroelectric plant and the installation of the aluminum metallurgical complex in the vicinity of Bethlehem.
In the western part, industrial development took place mainly from 1967, with the creation of the Manaus Free Trade Zone, this center industrial attracted companies encouraged by a series of tax benefits, in addition to exemption from import duty for components. Therefore, the companies that produce televisions, DVDs, cell phones, motorcycles and several other products were the ones that benefited most from the creation of this industrial hub.

The creation of the Manaus Free Trade Zone was an initiative of the federal government with the objective of developing the region economically and socially. However, the result was not what was expected, as the industries did not attribute any benefit to the local population.

By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

North region - geography of Brazil - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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