Children's Crusade and Medieval Legends. Children's Crusade

In the story about the crusades, did you know that one of the most controversial was the Children's Crusade? The result of an organization without the express authorization of the pope, this crusade would have taken place in the year 1212 and the main participants were children, but peasants, beggars and the sick were also involved.

The performance of a crusade exclusively by children is uncertain, since in the written records, on which historians' interpretations are based, the texts refer to the word child, written in Latin, which can mean both children and young men. Even the existence of the crusade is called into question.

However, the belief that children or young people will go on this expedition is related to the fact that there was a belief at the time that the conquest of the Holy Land by Christians should be the work of kids. The reason was that the children would have a purity of heart, be free from sin and protected by God. With these characteristics, they could take the Holy Land in Jerusalem, beating the Muslims.

There are several indications that the Children's Crusade originated from the pilgrimage of a young French shepherd, known as Stephen Cloyes, only 12 years old. Stephen reportedly traveled to the city of Saint-Denis to deliver a letter to King Philip Augustus, saying that Jesus had appeared to him, stating that he should be destined for the Holy Land.

King Felipe Augusto consulted his advisers who guided Estevão to return home. However, the existence of a multitude of pilgrims in the city would have encouraged Estevão to move to Jerusalem, getting the support of thousands of people on the way, forming a procession to face the Muslims.

However, arriving on the coast of France, in the city of Marseilles, on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, Stephen would have ordered the sea to open up so that the children could pass. Fact that did not occur. But, according to legend, they were lucky enough to find two merchants who were willing to take them for free.

In July 1212, around 2,000 young people would have boarded seven ships bound for the Orient. However, near Sardinia, a storm would have hit them, wrecking two ships. The crew of the other five ships would have managed to reach Alexandria, Egypt. Only they were surprised by the real intentions of the merchants. They didn't want to take them to the Holy Land. They wanted to sell children and young people as slaves to Eastern merchants. This would have been the tragic fate of the young people who participated in the Children's Crusade.

It is not clear whether this story is really true. The documents do not allow us to say with certainty whether this crusade really took place and whether it had the fate reported. But texts from the time refer to the existence of Estevão, as well as other children who wandered through Europe, managing to captivate a multitude of people. Stories like these are referred to by some medieval chroniclers.

Pilgrimages were constant in Europe during the Low Middle Ages due to the difficulty of staying in the lordly lands, due to the scarcity of land and food. Also a feature of the period was a whole range of religious legends, with fantastic stories, which stimulated religious fanaticism. Perhaps Estevão's story is just one of these legends.

* Image Credit: Sergey Kamshylin and

By Tales Pinto
Graduated in History

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