Playing historian. Playing Neighborhood Historian

Have you ever wondered how the work of a historian? Did you know you can know this work playing of being a historian? At first glance, it may seem that the historian's job is to stay in a library reading books about men's past and writing about it. Or, if you've seen a movie, like Indiana Jones Or the Lost Treasure Legend, in which archaeologists (who are also historians) are treated like heroes and face various adventures, you may find the historian's work full of action.

We can say that the historian's job is not just being locked up with books in a library, nor is it a big adventure like in Hollywood movies. However, you can get to know this kind of work by playing. An easy way to do this is to make a small story about your neighborhood.

O first step is to know who are the people who have lived in the place the longest. By asking your parents, grandparents or your neighbors, you can access this information.

After surveying these people, contact them, asking if they can make an interview, reporting the knowledge they have about the neighborhood.

If they accept to participate, draw up a questionnaire with questions about the foundation of the neighborhood, what were the first buildings built, the first streets and their names, which people and families have lived in the place for the longest time, if there are any curiosities or special facts that occurred in the place etc. Write down the information on paper. or use a tape recorder to record people's speech.

Also ask these people to indicate the oldest buildings, houses, businesses, schools and buildings in the neighborhood. take pictures these locations using a camera or a cell phone, as most of these devices also perform this function.

Then, in possession of these two historical sources (the accounts of people recorded during the interview and the photos), write a short text with the information given by people and illustrious-O with the photographs made from the old buildings.

The result of this work will be a way of historical knowledge, as people's actions will be recorded over time in this small geographic space in which you live, which is the neighborhood. That way, you will be able to know what the work of a historian is like.

By Tales Pinto
Graduated in History

Playing historian. Playing Neighborhood Historian

Have you ever wondered how the work of a historian? Did you know you can know this work playing o...

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