You pinnipeds constitute a group of mammals aquatic species that are classified into three families. These families include seals, sea lions and walruses, animals that live in the aquatic and terrestrial environment. They are seen on land, mainly during the breeding season, when it is also possible to see fights between the males.
Seals, sea lions and walruses have some characteristics that make them very similar. However, looking closely, it is possible to differentiate these groups of animals. Will we learn more about the differences between seals, sea lions and walruses?
Differences between seals, sea lions and walruses
→ Seals (Family Phocidae)
Seals do not have external ears
Seals are animals that stand out for not having ears and having only one orifice responsible for hearing. This is an important feature to differentiate them from sea lions. Also, seals have short anterior fins that cannot be used as support. The hind fins are always oriented backwards, which favors swimming, but impairs movement on dry land. Due to the arrangement of their fins, seals cannot walk on land, being able only to crawl, contorting their bodies.
→ Sea lions (Otariidae family)
Sea lions have obvious outer ears.
Sea lions, unlike seals, have evident ears. The fins are also an important feature for differentiation, as the forelegs are long and capable of serving as support. As for the posterior fin, it has the ability to rotate, which allows them to be oriented forward. Due to the characteristics of the fins, these animals can move around more easily than seals.
→ Walruses (Odobenidae Family)
Walruses have large canine teeth.
Without a doubt, walruses are the pinnipeds with the most obvious characteristics. Only these animals have teeth Giant canines, which can reach up to a meter in length and weigh over five pounds each. Another striking feature of these animals is the presence of a very noticeable mustache. Like seals, walruses have no external ears and, like sea lions, are able to guide the hind fin forward.
By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos