Flag of Brazil: meaning of stars and colors

THE Brazil's flag or national flag, as established by the law of our country, is one of the symbols nationals. The current flag of Brazil was implemented through a decree, signed by the provisional president, shortly after the Proclamation of the Republic, which took place in 1889. The last change that the Brazilian flag underwent happened in 1992, when new stars were added.


With the change in the form of government, from monarchy to Republic, the national symbols were changed, and one of the changes took place in the national flag.

The flag we currently have was only presented four days after the Republic is proclaimed. Its adoption took place through the Decree No. 04, law that was signed by Marshal Deodoro da Fonseca, at the time, provisional president of Brazil. The law was the model for our new flag.

The new Brazilian flag was produced by Raimundo Teixeira Mendes, Miguel Lemos, Manuel Pereira Reis and Décio Vilares. The main changes that took place, in relation to the flag used during the imperial period, were:

  • the size of the yellow diamond has been resized;

  • the arms symbol in the middle of the flag was replaced by a blue republican sphere;

  • letters have been added in the middle of the sphere. The letters were written in green, on a white band, and registered the positivist motto “Ordem e Progresso”;

  • in the blue sphere, stars representing the Brazilian states were added. The position of the stars was determined by observing the sky over Rio de Janeiro, at 8:30 am on November 15, 1889.

Currently, the national symbols, of which the flag is a part, are regulated by the Law No. 5,700, which was decreed on September 1, 1971. The last change that happened to the national flag took place in 1992, when the stars corresponding to the states of Amapá, Roraima, Rondônia and Tocantins were added.

Also access:Brazil map: political map, coloring map and more

meaning of the stars

O meaning of the stars that are on our flag is simple. They are references to the states and the Federal District, and, as already mentioned, their position is as observed in the sky over Rio de Janeiro on November 15, 1889. Despite this, there are astronomers who claim that there are inaccuracies in the position of the stars and that their placement on the flag follows much more aesthetic orientation.

first flag

Brazil's first flag was the imperial flag designed by Jean-Baptiste Debret.*
The first flag of Brazil was the imperial flag designed by Jean-Baptiste Debret.*

The first flag of our country appeared right after the declaration of our Independence, which took place in 1822. The colors of the flag were chosen by the emperor, and the design of the flag was executed by the French painter Jean-Baptiste Debret, which was inspired by the flags used by French military troops from the period of French Revolution. The flag had the green background, a yellow diamond it's the coat of arms of the empire, which was also created by Debret.

Color origin

The colors of our flag, as we know, are: green, yellow, blue and white. The choice of colors was not a matter of chance, as each one has a direct relationship with the history of Portugal, the country that colonized Brazil. See the historical explanation behind each color below:

  • Green: it was the color used by the first peoples who inhabited Lusitania, a region that currently corresponds to Portugal. The color also became a Portuguese symbol during the struggle against the Moors and came to symbolize freedom.

  • Yellow: it was part of the coat of arms of Portugal, being added after the conquest of the Algarve. Furthermore, yellow was also a color that symbolized the Habsburg-Lorraine dynasty of which D. Leopoldina (wife of the emperor) was part of it.

  • Blue and White: date back to the Portucale County, from which Portugal emerged. The colors of this county were chosen by D. Henry of Burgundy.


  • On November 19, Brazil celebrates the flag day.

  • exiThere is a law in Brazil that states that the military can carry out an incineration ceremony for flags if they are damaged.

  • The phrase on the flag was inspired by a phrase written by the French positivist Augusto Comte.

  • The Anthem à Bandeira do Brasil was created in 1906 by Olavo Bilac.

Flag of Brazil: history, colors, meaning of the stars

Flag of Brazil: history, colors, meaning of the stars

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