Meaning of the stars of the Brazilian flag

The Brazilian flag was deployed on November 19, 1889, the idea of ​​the current flag was developed by Professor Raimundo Teixeira Mendes, who It also had the participation of Dr. Miguel Lemos and Professor Manuel Pereira Reis and who made the drawing was the painter Décio Villages.

As for the stars displayed on the Brazilian flag, they are not uniform and each one has a meaning. Each star on the flag represents a Brazilian state, in addition, they all have the same configuration, all have five points. Another item that differs one star from another is in terms of size, there are five different sizes.
The distribution of stars on the Brazilian flag was based on the characteristics of the sky in Rio de Janeiro, on November 15, 1889.
The star Spica is located above the band that expresses “Ordem e Progresso” and represents the State of Pará, which in 1889 corresponded to the largest territory above the parallel of the Equator. The Federal District is represented by the Octant sigma star.

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ACRE Female Hydra Range
AMAPA Big Dog Beta
AMAZON Procyon (Alpha of the Lesser Dog)
FOR Spica (Virgin Alpha)
MARANHÃO Scorpio Beta
Piauí Antares (Alpha of the Scorpion)
CEARÁ Scorpio Epsilon
PARAÍBA Scorpion Cloak
ALAGOAS scorpion teat
SERGIPE Scorpion Iota
BAHIA Southern Cross Range
HOLY SPIRIT Southern Cross Epsilon
RIO DE JANEIRO Cruzeiro do Sul Beta
SAO PAULO Cruzeiro do Sul Alpha
PARANÁ Southern Triangle Range
SANTA CATARINA Southern Triangle Beta
RIO GRANDE DO SUL Southern Triangle Alpha
MINAS GERAIS Southern Cross Delta
GOIÁS Canopus (Alpha of Argus)
MATO GROSSO Sirius (Alpha of the Greater Dog)
MATO GROSSO DO SUL Alphard (Alpha of the Female Hydra)
RONDONIA Largest Dog Range
RORAIMA Big Dog Delta
TOCANTINS Epsilon of the Greater Dog
BRASILIA DF) Octant's Sigma

Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

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SCHOOL, Team Brazil. "Meaning of the stars of the Brazilian flag"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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