O Family Day is a commemorative date used for celebrate family union between several members, which can be people who have a common family ancestor or people who, together, constituted a new family.
It is important to remember that families are responsible for:
seek to promote the education of children;
help them to develop healthily;
a good one food;
respect the rights and duties of everyone.
Read too: October 12th – Children's Day
When is Family Day celebrated?
This date can be celebrated at different times here in Brazil. For this, we have three celebrations.
International Family Day
The first is International Family Day, which is celebrated annually on the May 15th. This date was established by the United Nations (UN) and reflects the importance that the international community it gives to issues related to the family, as well as its importance for the development and establishment of better living conditions for all.

National Family Day
The second celebration we have in Brazil is National Family Day, celebrated annually on the day December 8th.
In our country this date came about through a 1968 decree. Many report that this date was also chosen because it was the Day of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception.
In the old days this date was considered a religious commemoration, but this does not happen nowadays, being considered an optional point in several cities.

National Family Day at School
The third celebration in Brazil was officially instituted by the Ministry of Education (MEC) as the National Day of Family at School, celebrated annually in all schools across the country on the day April 24th.
It is a time for the school to reinforce with the families the importance of the two towards their children, remembering the good family life, relationship with other people, collective activities, respect, dialogue and other relationships that are necessary in the constitution of the bond familiar.

Read too: March 15 - School Day
Let's paint?
In order to celebrate any of these important dates in a more cool way, let's paint these different types of families? Use your creativity to make it look good and give it to your family members.

To download the PDF version of the drawing and print it, Click here