O Children's Day is a commemorative date in honor of children across our country, being celebrated annually. This date is also celebrated by different countries, on different dates.
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When is Children's Day celebrated?
In Brazil, Federal Deputy Galdino do Vale Filho, in 1924, proposed the idea of Children's Day, which was made official for commemoration on the day October 12th. Already the United Nations (UN) adopted the 20th of November to celebrate Children's Day. That date was also the day of approval of the Universal Declaration of Children's Rights.

On that date, adults usually present children with different gifts, and various events also occur. children's celebrations in squares, stadiums, clubs, schools, always with lots of fun and joy for all kids.

This date is also important for reflect on several important issues related to childhood, like:
the quality of life;
the education;
O Child labor;
sexual abuse, among others.
It is also very important to remember that all children have the right to quality education. and good schools, shouldn't work to have a salary, but to study in order to choose the profession that they will have in the future. They must have food in their homes and be well cared for so that nothing hinders its development. They should also play, because that's the child's job: to play and study.

When all these opportunities for good development are taken away from children, their full development is affected. Thus, many of them end up living on the streets, begging, and can be captured by the world of drugs.
See too: What is the family and what is its function?
Let's paint?
Now that we know better about Children's Day and some of its rights, let's color the image below with the different rights of children.

To download the PDF version of the drawing and print it, Click here