Nominal complement. Nominal complement characteristics

When talking about complement, how about remembering something we've already studied? Well then, we are talking about verbs... Remember? If not, access the text "verbs need complements... what are they called?”.

Soon, you will notice that there are those verbs that have meaning by themselves, that is, they do not need to have a partner to become complete, as there are also those who ask for company, because alone they do not do the slightest sense. And, because they present themselves, they are called intransitives and transitives, respectively. But does this characteristic only manifest itself in verbs?

Know that no, because other elements, of which we are already aware, also do not have full meaning, being alone. Do you know what they are? The noun, the adjective and the adverb. Ready! we arrived at the central subject of our learning: knowing what it is really called and what the features of this term that completes the meaning of the elements mentioned (noun, adjective and adverb).

Well, his name is

nominal complement, because it is completing the sense not of verbs, but of nouns. Another aspect, also very important, is that it always appears next to a preposition, which we also already know. So, how about getting to know him better? Let's go then!!!

The noun complement completes the sense of names

Noun noun complement:

I believe you made a good readingfrom the book.

We note that the term that is underlined represents a noun, accompanied by another one that completes its meaning, which in this case is “from the book”. Did you realize that this term has all the characteristics we've already talked about?

Nominal complement of the adjective:

we need to be sincerewith our friends.

As you could see, another term is highlighted, but this time it is an adjective – accompanied by its complement – ​​“with our friends”.

Nominal complement to the adverb:

Pedro lives closefrom school.

As you know, “near” represents an adverb of place, which, in turn, is accompanied by a term that complements it – “from school”.

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Nominal complement. Nominal complement characteristics

Nominal complement. Nominal complement characteristics

When talking about complement, how about remembering something we've already studied? Well then, ...

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Nominal Complement. Identifying the Nominal Complement

nominal complement it is the term of the sentence that is linked to a name by means of a preposit...

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