Nominal Complement. Identifying the Nominal Complement

nominal complement it is the term of the sentence that is linked to a name by means of a preposition, completing the meaning of that name (noun, adjective or adverb).
Obj. direct nominal complement
E.g.: Do a quick readtext.
adverbial adjunct nucleus of place
He lives closeof a big hotel.
Nominal complement to the adverb close.
The head of the noun complement is represented by a noun (or word with a noun value), it may also be represented by an oblique pronoun.
core of the direct object.
E.g.: I have-you a justified admiration.
nominal complement of admiration
The nominal complement can fit a clause with a noun value, it will be named noun noun noun subordinate clause.
Ex.: I come to the conclusionthat the contract only benefited

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

The americans.
main clause substantive subordinate clause
nominal supplement

By Marina Cabral
Specialist in Portuguese Language and Literature

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SILVA, Marina Cabral da. "Nominal Complement"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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Nominal Complement. Identifying the Nominal Complement

nominal complement it is the term of the sentence that is linked to a name by means of a preposit...

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