Urinary infection: causes, symptoms, treatment

Urinary infection, also called urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection triggered by microorganisms, that invade and multiply in the urinary tract. This disorder affects people of any age and gender, however, in the first year of life, it affects more boys and, from that age on, girls are more affected.

Urinary Infection Causes

Urinary tract infection is caused by microorganisms that invade the urinary tract, which is characterized by being normally sterile (without microorganisms). A urinary tract infection is usually caused by bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, species of the genus Proteus It's from Klebsiella it's the Enterococcus faecalis.

Among the bacteria mentioned, the Escherichia coli stands out for being the maincausative of urinary tract infection. This bacteria is common in our intestines and is responsible for about 70% to 80% of UTI cases.

The urinary tract can be infected per threeways different: ascending, hematogenous and lymphatic. the infection

upwards is the main form of urinary tract infection, with the rise of microorganisms being observed by urethra, it can reach the bladder, ureters and kidneys. It is very common for bacteria that live in the human intestine to come into contact with the urethra and cause infection through this route. In the hematogenous route, microorganisms reach the kidneys through the vasesblood. Finally, we have the lymphatic pathway, which is rare and happens when microorganisms reach the kidneys through the vaseslymphatics.

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Complicated and uncomplicated urinary tract infection

Urinary tract infection can be classified into complicated and uncomplicated:

  • Complicated urinary tract infection: it affects patients who have problems in the urinary tract, such as anatomical-functional and metabolic changes, or who have undergone a hospital procedure.

  • Uncomplicated urinary tract infection: it occurs in patients who have the urinary tract functioning properly and without structural changes and is acquired outside the hospital environment.

Urinary Infection Symptoms

A urinary tract infection can cause pain and burning when urinating.
A urinary tract infection can cause pain and burning when urinating.

A urinary tract infection can trigger a series of symptoms, but it can also appear asymptomatically. See a chart with the main clinical manifestations of urinary tract infection.

Urinary Infection Symptoms

Pain or burning when urinating

Urgent need to urinate

Increased urinary frequency

Urinary incontinence

cloudy urine

Strong smelling urine

Lower abdominal pain and lower back pain



Why do women have more cases of urinary tract infections than men?

At women have riskincreased to develop a urinary tract infection. It is estimated that 48% of women have at least one case of this infection during their lifetime. An interesting fact is that boys are more affected in the first year of life due to the greater number of congenital malformations that affect this sex. After this age, women are the most affected.

In women, the susceptibility to this infection is related to their anatomy, since the urethra has a handcloser to the anus and it's also shorter. Due to the fact that the main route of infection is the ascending route, it is easy to understand how the anatomy favors contamination by bacteria present in the woman's intestine.

Diagnosis of urinary tract infection

Urinary tract infection is diagnosed through clinical examination and also laboratory tests. The doctor analyzes the symptoms described by the patient and also recommends tests such as the urinalysis. O urine analysis it may show signs that indicate an infection, such as the presence of white blood cells, red blood cells and nitrites, the latter being a sign of bacterial infection.

Another exam is the uroculture, in which a small amount of urine is placed in a culture medium that favors bacterial growth. If the patient has a urinary infection, the bacteria will grow and form a colony in the culture medium. If so, the antibiogram, which aims to identify the best antibiotic for treatment.

Urine analysis can identify a case of urinary tract infection.
Urine analysis can identify a case of urinary tract infection.

It is worth noting that imaging exams can also be used. However, generally, these aim to identify urinary tract abnormalities that favor the emergence of urinary infections and observe complications.

Urinary Infection Treatment

Urinary tract infections are treated according to the causative agent. Usually, the use of antibiotics, drugs used in the treatment of bacterial diseases. The antibiogram helps to identify the best medication to use.

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Prevention of urinary tract infection

Urinary tract infection can be prevented through a few simple measures. Here are some tips:

  • Always remember to drink lots of water.

  • Go to the bathroom whenever you feel like urinating.

  • Women should avoid using vaginal showers.

  • Women, when cleaning themselves, should always use toilet paper from front to back in order to prevent bacteria present in the anal region from contaminating the urethra.

  • Always urinate after intercourse.

Urinary infection and pregnancy

Urinary infection can have serious consequences for the pregnant woman.

THE infectionurinary can be observed with frequency during the gestation, being this infection resulting from changes that occur in the woman's body during pregnancy. Among the changes that we can mention, the change in bladder position and increase in kidney size.

Thereurinary tract infection in pregnant women can bedangerous, being associated with cases of prematurity, low birth weight and also perinatal mortality (which occurs shortly before or after delivery). It is noteworthy that the treatment of this infection is also not an easy task in this situation, since many medications can be toxic to the baby.

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THE cystitis is an infection that affects the urinary bladder, the organ responsible for temporarily storing urine, until it is eliminated. Cystitis is also called lower urinary tract infection and it may be asymptomatic or cause symptoms such as painful urination and frequent need to urinate. If you want to know more about the topic, go to: Cystitis


THE pyelonephritis is an infection that affects the kidneys and its adjacent structures. It can also be called upper urinary tract infection and it stands out for being a more serious condition than cystitis. In the case of pyelonephritis, it is common for the patient to also have high fever, pain in the lower back and chills.

By Ma. Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/doencas/infeccao-urinaria.htm

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