Verb is a word that can express action, state or phenomenon. When analyzed from the morphological point of view, it composes the class of variable words, that is, which can be modified. In the case of verbs, the name of this modification is inflection and can be in relation to the mood, tense, number and person.
Unlike what many believe, it is not necessary to use “memorize” to learn to conjugate verbs well. What to do then? Analyze the primitive tenses, that is, which were the verb tenses that came first. It is important to go back to the origins of the verb to learn it.
All tense verbs originated of the present tense, perfect tense of the indicative and infinitive. How did this happen? Let's look at the examples below.
The present of the callsign the Present of the Subjunctive.
In 1st conjugation verbs, the final present tense vowel must be replaced by -e. Example: Verb Sing
Present tenseSubjunctive present
I sing (That) I sing
you sing you sing
he sings he sings
we sing we sing
you sing you sing
they sing they sing
In summary: Just memorize the verbal form in the present tense of the indicative and remember that in the present tense of the subjunctive the vowel -e will appear.
The same tip is used for verbs of the 2nd and 3rd conjugation, however, the final vowel of the 1st person of the indicative is replaced by -a. Calm! It wasn't difficult, no. Let's practice with the verb Eat.
Present tense
I eat (Eliminating the last vowel, ie - o, and replacing it with - it will form the Present Subjunctive). See the example:
Subjunctive Present
(that) I eat
you eat
he eat
we eat
you eat
they eat
The Affirmative and Negative Imperatives are also derived from the Present. In the Affirmative Imperative, the 2nd person singular and the 2nd plural originate from the Present Indicative, but in the passage they lose the -s. Other persons originate from the present Subjunctive without any modification. The verb to be must be analyzed in particular.
The Negative Imperative, on the other hand, derives from the Subjunctive Present without changing the verb form.
And the 1st person of the Imperative, where does it originate? Whoever said that there is no first person in the Imperative is right. This is because there is no way to give order to yourself. In addition, as it is an interlocution, in the 3rd person of the Imperative the personal pronoun, He, is played by the treatment, You.
And which tense verb originates in the past tense perfect tense?
- More-than-perfect tense past tense;
- Imperfect subjunctive past tense;
- Future of the Subjunctive.
Before thinking about what remains of the Pretérito Perfeito of the Indicative and what should be added, let us remember that the verbal theme is the junction of the radical with the thematic vowel. Therefore, the theme of the verb Run is Run. (Corr- is the radical; –e, the thematic vowel).
Why remember this concept? Because he will be fundamental in deriving the mentioned times.
- For the formation of the Past-more-than-perfect: The theme is separated and the endings are added: -ra, -ras, -ra, -branches, -reis, -ram.
Example: Verb to eat
Me eatsfrog
You eatsras
He eatsfrog
We eatsbranches
You eatskings
They eatsram
- For the formation of the Imperfect of the Subjunctive: Separate the theme and add the endings: -sse, -sses, -sse, -ssemos, -seis, -ssem.
- For the formation of the Future of the Subjunctive: Add to the theme the endings: -r, -res, -r, -rmos, -rdes, -rem.
From the Impersonal Infinitive arise:
- The Future of the Present of the Indicative;
- The Future of the past tense;
- The Personal Infinite;
- The Imperfect Preterit of the Indicative.
So, more important than memorizing lists of verb forms is to understand the formation process of each one of them.
By Mayra Pavan
Graduated in Letters