Congress of Vienna. Characteristics of the Congress of Vienna

You must know that theFrench Revolution, which began in 1789, changed the history of the Western world and, in particular, the history of Europe, mainly because it broke with the political structure of the so-called “Old Regime” or monarchical absolutism. THE Napoleonic era, which came after the turbulent periods of the revolution, inaugurated an imperialist project and, consequently, expansionist ruled by a series of wars promoted against other countries and ostensible measures such as the Blockade Continental.

With the weakening of the power of Napoleon Bonaparte and after a series of defeats he began to suffer, the countries that were in the resistance against their attacks (England, Austria, Prussia and Russia) sought to establish guidelines for a new political order European. These guidelines were developed in the CongressinVienna in 1815.

The proposals of the Congress of Vienna they aimed to re-establish the political order of the Ancien Régime. How the Napoleonic Empire had practically changed the map of Europe with its invasions and annexations of territories, the affected countries sought to recover the lands that belonged to them before the revolutionary process French. In addition, one of the fundamental concerns of the referred congress was to develop mechanisms for the containment of possible revolutions similar to the French Revolution that could break out in the Europe.

You leaders who organized the Congress of Vienna were mercifulinMatternich, Prime Minister of Austria; alexanderI, czar of Russia; RobertStewart(viscountinCastlereagh), English Prime Minister, and FrederickGuilhermeIII, King of Prussia. The congress resolutions resulted in two strategic principles: o principlegiveslegitimacy it's the principleofbalanceofpower. The first of these principles concerned the retaking of the thrones that had been dispossessed during the Napoleonic wars, and the second, it provided great benefits to countries that engaged in the fight against Napoleon, such as the right to territories in other countries. continents.

In addition, Prussia, Russia and Austria still formed the so-called SantaAlliance, which started from the premise of principleofpower and the proposal to “ensure a new order” for the West, based on the monarchy “infused by Divine Law”, as can be seen in the following excerpt:

In the name of the Most Holy and Indivisible Trinity and in accordance with the words of the Holy Scriptures, according to which all men must having as brothers, Their Majesties the Emperor of Austria, the King of Prussia and the Emperor of Russia will remain united by the bonds of true and indissoluble brotherhood: considering themselves compatriots, in every occasion and in every place, they will give each other assistance, help and relief.(Excerpt from Art. 1st of Treaty of the Holy Alliance)

By Me. Cláudio Fernandes

Congress of Vienna. Characteristics of the Congress of Vienna

You must know that theFrench Revolution, which began in 1789, changed the history of the Western ...

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