Dynasties of the Roman Empire

The period in the history of Pomegranate known as Roman Empire began with the arrival of Otávio to power, in 27 a. a., extending to 476 d. Ç. This period is divided into two stages, between the High Empire (27 years old Ç. to 235 d. C.) and the low empire (235 d. Ç. to 476 d. Ç.). At dynasties of the Roman Empire appeared in this first stage.

In the Upper Empire, the Roman institutions reached their apogee, with the slave mode of production in full development, still experiencing a period of relative stability politics (with some moments of crisis), in addition to being able to bring the elites of the provinces closer to those at the center of the Empire, mainly through representation in the Senate.

During the High Empire, four dynasties succeeded each other in power: the Julius Claudian, which ran between 14 and 68; the one of Flavios, in power between 68 and 96; the one of Antoninos, who ruled between 96 and 192; and the last one of the Severe, who was at the head of the Empire between 193 and 235.

Below are some characteristics of the dynasties and some of their emperors.

the dynasty Julius Claudian, who succeeded Otávio, was marked by disputes for power and also by some actions considered immoral, both in the personal and administrative spheres. Despite not endangering the Empire, it began its process of disintegration, mainly as a result of the weakening of slavery and political disputes.

The emperor Tiberius Claudius (14-37), who succeeded Octavius, despite having been a good administrator, fell into popular displeasure at having assassinated a popular general, and was eventually assassinated himself in Capri.

Caligula (37-41) held the post of emperor after Tiberius' death. His government was marked by his practices considered immoral and also by his despotism, even appointing his horse Incitatus as Roman consul. He was murdered by the Praetorian Guard, formed by soldiers who were supposed to protect him.

We also have the name of Nero (54-68) as a highlight of this dynasty. Emperor very young, with only 17 years, Nero throughout his government began to persecute Christians. That's because they didn't accept to worship him as a deity. Evidence indicates that he would have burned the city of Rome and framed the Christians for the destruction. He had his mother, wives and half-brother murdered. His mandate ended when he asked one of his slaves to kill him.

Picture showing Nero, from the Julius-Claudian dynasty, massacring Christians

Among the emperors of the dynasty of Flavios, the names of Vespasian (69-79) and Titus (79-81). Vespasian he used a large number of proletarians in the construction of great works, such as roads and the Coliseum. He even ordered the repression of the Jews in Palestine, with the result that Jerusalem and its temple were destroyed. Vespasian was succeeded by Titus (79-81), who, during his reign, saw a fire and a plague in Rome, as well as the eruption of the volcano Vesuvius, which buried the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum.

With the dynasty of Antoninos, there was again stability and prosperity in Rome for the ruling classes. Trajan (98-117) managed to increase tax collection by combating tax evasion and stimulated agriculture. It beautified the city of Rome, mainly with the construction of the Roman Forum. He carried out military campaigns that took the Empire to the largest dimensions of its borders. With Marco Aurelio (161-180), there was an incentive to culture in Rome, seeking to restore some republican principles. He had to face the Germanic peoples who inhabited the Roman borders near the Danube River.

the dynasty of Severe it could not contain the decay of the Empire, especially the pressure of the so-called barbarian peoples, the great crises and the end of territorial conquests. Among the Severus, the name of caracal (211-218), who promulgated the Edict of Caracalla in 212, extending Roman citizenship to all free inhabitants of the Empire. This measure made it impossible for the inhabitants of the provinces to be enslaved, contributing to weaken Rome, whose economy was based on slavery.

After the Severus, the Lower Empire stage began, which represented the decay of the Empire until its end in 476.

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