Characteristics of the chronicle. knowing the chronicle

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Surely you, when flipping through the pages of the newspaper, tried to interact with the news and didn't even pay attention for a very recurrent and interesting section, which makes us think, reflect on issues several. This section refers to the chronic, characterized as a textual genre that moves between the journalism and literature. Yes, between these two elements, since before they become gathered in books, they are there, published in newspapers and magazines. But, speaking like that, what about the subject that usually prevails in this type of genre? Know that most of the time the subject is characterized by commonplace, banal facts, extracted from everyday events, however irrelevant it may be.

The chronicle is characterized as a hybrid text

Thus, talking about the chronicle, when it comes to the linguistic structures that compose it, reminds us of thenarration, a modality that you already know, however, differing in some points, such as thenumber of characters, limited time and space and

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the subject itself, being this, too, reduced. As for the nature of language, we can say that it can take on varied nuances, even because it is a hybrid text. Hybrid in that it does not follow a certain pattern, as occurs in a text where we expose our ideas about a certain subject, given thatcolloquial expressionsthey can be inserted in the speech, as long as they are in favor of the message that the text wants to convey to us. Thus, due to this flexibility of aspects, we can say that when working with language, the chronicler may lean towards the criticism, as it happens a lot, but it can also say whatever it wants with humor, sensitivity and, not rarely, exploring the authentic side poetic.

On the other hand, still talking about the way the chronicler works the language, he often leaves this poetic side and leaves to the critical side, especially when the subject refers to controversial facts, that is, facts related to social problems, which is when the chronicler defends an idea through a consistent and plausible argument, as occurs in most texts of this nature:argumentative, it is clear. When this occurs, we call it an argumentative chronicle.

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters

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Characteristics of the chronicle. knowing the chronicle

Characteristics of the chronicle. knowing the chronicle

Surely you, when flipping through the pages of the newspaper, tried to interact with the news and...

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