Blackheads and pimples are names used to indicate a problem known as acne. They are very common in adolescence, but that doesn't mean they can't appear in adults. Although acne does not cause great damage to the individual's health, the appearance of these lesions can cause self-esteem problems.
When blackheads and pimples appear in the skin, It is important to see a dermatologist for these lesions to be treated. Another important point is never squeeze these lesions, at the risk of scarring the skin and causing infections.
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What Causes Blackheads and Pimples?

Acne, also known as pimples and blackheads, it is a inflammatory process which affects the sebaceous glands and pilosebaceous follicles. Pimples and blackheads appear most often on the face, but they can also appear on the back, chest and shoulder. It is a common process in adolescence, being mainly related to the production of hormones which are responsible for altering the characteristics of the skin and affecting the
sebaceous glands, which start to produce more secretion.At sebaceous glands are glands that produce the tallow, a secretion that, among other functions, lubricates the skin and hair. These glands have ducts that usually end in hair follicles. In certain situations, the skin cells in the hair follicle are observed to produce too much keratin, leading to follicular orifice obstruction. This obstruction causes the sebum to accumulate and so-called blackheads. When bacteria develop inside the follicle, leading to inflammation and accumulation of pus, we see the onset of pimples.
Blackheads and pimples treatment
Although many people believe that acne does not need to be treated as it tends to disappear with age, it is very important that treatment be given. As stated earlier, acne can trigger psychological problems in the individual, since many are ashamed of the appearance of their skin. In addition, acne can leave marks on the face that cannot always be easily corrected.
Acne treatment is completely individualized. This means that the procedure adopted for one person may not solve another's problem. The form of treatment can include both topical products and oral medications. For the treatment of acne in women, it is common to use contraceptives.

A much talked about drug when it comes to blackheads and pimples is isotretinoin. This drug should not be used indiscriminately and is usually indicated for cases where other treatments have not produced a good response. It is important to point out that the drug generates serious side effects, such as dryness of the lips, eyes and skin and increased cholesterol, and its use should be monitored by a doctor, who will require tests to assess the patient's condition during treatment. It is important to highlight that The pregnancy is completely contraindicated during the use of isotretinoin as it can lead to malformations in the baby and miscarriage.
It is also worth mentioning that the individual with acne should never manipulate the lesions. that arise on the skin. Squeezing pimples and blackheads can cause problems such as scarring and even inflammation and infection. Overcleaning the area is also harmful as it can cause irritation.
In some cases, the acne treatment also includes psychological counseling.. The help of a psychologist is important to recover the individual's self-esteem.
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How to prevent blackheads and pimples?
To prevent acne breakouts, one must take proper care of the skin, using products indicated to the specific type of skin. Cosmetics that increase oiliness, for example, may be responsible for stimulating the appearance of blackheads and pimples and should be avoided.
According to the Brazilian Society of Dermatology, acne has a strong genetic component and does not relate directly to the food, not being necessary to carry out any diet or food restriction. O emotional stress it can worsen the condition of blackheads and pimples, so it is important to avoid it as well.