Often, we notice bad smell coming from our armpits or even the armpits of others close to us. Undoubtedly, it is extremely unpleasant to notice or know that others are noticing the bad smell coming from us. Have you ever wondered why the stench in the armpits of a person? This is a very important question that needs an clarifying answer. The famous “cecê” is explained by both Chemistry and Biology.
THE Biology explains that, in the armpit region, there is a group of glands sweats called apocrine, which contribute a lot to the bad smell in this region. The function of each and every sweat gland is to eliminate the sweat to lower the body's internal temperature.
Sweat has some common chemical substances, such as water, mineral salts, urea, etc. However, the sweat eliminated by the apocrine glands is different because, together with the substances already reported, they also eliminate cell debris. As there are several bacteria in the armpits, they end up carrying out the metabolism of cell debris and producing some chemical substances called carboxylic acids. See the chemical structure of these compounds:
General formula of a carboxylic acid
The carboxylic acids produced by the metabolization of cell debris have characteristic strong odors. See some acids and the smells they cause:
Butyric acid (smell of rancid butter)
Structural formula of butyric acid
caproic acid (goat smell)
Structural formula of caproic acid
CURIOSITY: There are people who have excessive sweating in the axillary region, a condition known as hyperhidrosis. This factor can increase bacterial proliferation and, consequently, bad odor.
There is also the possibility that substances that have sulfur in their composition are produced when we consume foods such as alcohol, onions, garlic and pepper. After digestion, the chemical components of these foods are transformed into substances that have a strong odor and are eliminated by various pores in the body and also by the sweat glands.
Garlic, onion and pepper contribute to the bad odor in the armpits
To solve the problem of bad odor in the armpits, it is necessary to take some precautions and measures, namely:
Use of antibacterial soaps and deodorants with antibacterial action (substances with antibacterial action will eliminate the presence of bacteria in the armpits);
Do not use too rough sponges. They can irritate the skin in the axillary region and cause more sweat to be produced;
The use of deodorants helps to improve the smell in the region due to the presence of substances with a pleasant odor;
Deodorants are great allies against underarm odor
Having less hair in the axillary region reduces the proliferation of bacteria, but the removal of these hairs cannot be done aggressively (as in waxing);
Waxing attacks and irritates the axillary region
Using sodium bicarbonate dissolved in water in the axillary region and in the clothes we wear neutralizes the carboxylic acids produced by bacteria.
By Me. Diogo Lopes Dias