Transformations from direct to indirect speech

By the way, talk about direct speech and indirect speech it doesn't surprise you, doesn't it? Yes, as they are inherent elements of the narrative text, one in which other elements, such as: narrator, characters, time, space, plot, among others, are demarcated, do you agree? well, the speech, that is, the way in which the narrator chooses to tell us the story, also acts as an element of such importance, and may be of direct way, portraying the characters' speeches as they occur; indirectly, justified by the fact that the narrator puts himself in the characters' shoes and reveals to us what happens, as well as it can be in a wayfree indirect, having a fusion of these two forms.

Thus, we thought it best to make you aware of the linguistic marks, especially in relation to the verbal forms that operate in the transformations from direct to indirect discourse, considering that it is not enough to know that this happens, but also how it happens, isn't it true? For that reason, pay attention to details, in order to understand everything, but everything in relation to this subject, ok?

In the transformation from direct to indirect speech, several changes take place

By Vania Duarte
Graduated in Letters

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