The multiple meanings between words

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In order for us to build a good text, it is necessary to organize our ideas clearly, and a of the most important tasks we perform is to know about the meaning that each word.
We know that they have a similarity of meaning, as is the case of the synonyms, as well as reveal the opposite sense, as, for example, the antonyms.Just to remind you, let's look at some examples:
beautiful – beautiful – beautiful
Bright dark

But there are also other cases in which they are similar in sound and spelling, but have different meanings.
Another case is the fact that they have identical spelling and have different meanings.
For this reason, we will know in detail how this occurs, together with the examples, seeking to facilitate our understanding. Come on!

homographic words – They are those that have the same spelling, but that have a difference in sound.
Ex: O beginning of class was amazing.
It is a noun with a more closed sound.
Me start to read every day at night.
Here we have a verb, pronounced with a more open sound.

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homophone words – Are those that have the same sound, but with different spelling.
Ex: I will travel in Friday.
In this case, the word “Friday” means a day of the week.

The buns are in the basket.
In this other, it means the container in which the breads are found.

Paronyms – Are those that have similarity in sound and spelling, but with different meanings.
Ex: O length of your dress is normal.
The word “length” indicates size.

The father introduced the greetings to the son.
Here it means greeting, praising.

polysemy – These are the different meanings presented by the same word:
Ex: I love to suck mango. (fruit)
mango of your shirt is stained. (part of a piece of our clothing)

My arm it hurts. (member of the human body)
do not rely on
arm from the couch! (one of the sides of the sofa)

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters
Kids School Team
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