Cellular organelles. Definition of cell organelles

We know that thecells they are the smallest living units. Although small, inside them we find even smaller structures that work together to keep them alive: the cell organelles.

Cell organelles are located in the cytoplasm and function as the “organs” of our body, each playing a particular role in the cell's function. Some make the production of substances that will be useful to the cells, others work to carry out a process known as cellular respiration, others make the process of intracellular digestion, among many others functions.

Knowing each of the organelles is important to understanding how a cell works. Therefore, note below the names of some of the main cell organelles and the functions of these compartments:

Observe the structure of an animal cell and some of its organelles

- Mitochondria: This organelle is related to an extremely important process: cellular respiration. In this process, the cell obtains energy to carry out its activities;

- Ribosomes: Its main function is to carry out the manufacture of proteins;

- Granular endoplasmic reticulum: Its main function is to produce some proteins, mainly those that will be thrown out of the cell;

- Non-granulated endoplasmic reticulum: One of its functions is the synthesis of lipids and carbohydrates.

- Golgi complex: This organelle participates in a process called cell secretion, which is nothing more than the elimination of substances out of the cell. It also modifies, stores and addresses some substances.

- Lysosomes: Mainly related to the digestion of particles inside the cell (intracellular digestion).

There are also organelles that are found only in plant cells and some protozoa. This is the case of the so-called chloroplasts, organelles related to photosynthesis and with the plant color.

It is important to always remember that all organisms are made up of cells and each one has its own characteristics and performs some function. Depending on the function performed, it has a greater amount of a given organelle.

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

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