O map of Brazil corresponds to the Brazilian territory, when represented cartographically, that is, it is the cartographic portrait of Brazil two-dimensional. THE representation of Brazil through the map, it can portray political, physical, economic and demographic aspects, which allow an analysis of the geographic space.
The map can, through its elements, like title, caption, orientation and scale, offer numerous information about the Brazilian territory, in addition to the necessary territorial analyzes and studies.
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Political map of Brazil
The political map of Brazil corresponds to the graphic representation that indicates the territorial division of Brazil into federative units.
The political map of Brazil corresponds to the representation of the Brazilian territory, cartographically divided into states or federative units, capitals, cities and municipalities. THE current division of the Brazilian territory was established by Federal Constitution of 1988.
From this new division, Roraima and Amapá were elevated to the category of state, the northern portion of the state of Goiás was dismembered and the state of Tocantins was created. The current political map of Brazil divides the country into 26 states and the Federal District.
States and their capitals
Federative unit |
Capital / Headquarters of Government |
Federative unit |
Capital / Headquarters of Government |
Acre |
White River |
Paraíba |
João Pessoa |
alagoas |
Maceio |
Paraná |
Curitiba |
Amapá |
Macapa |
Pernambuco |
Recife |
Amazons |
Manaus |
Piauí |
Teresina |
Bahia |
savior |
Rio de Janeiro |
Rio de Janeiro |
Ceará |
strength |
large northern river |
Christmas |
Holy Spirit |
Victory |
Rio Grande do Sul |
Porto Alegre |
Goiás |
Goiania |
Rondônia |
Porto Velho |
Maranhão |
St. Louis |
Roraima |
Good view |
Mato Grosso |
Cuiabá |
Santa Catarina |
Florianopolis |
Mato Grosso do Sul |
Large field |
Sao Paulo |
Sao Paulo |
Minas Gerais |
Belo Horizonte |
Sergipe |
Aracaju |
For |
Bethlehem |
Tocantins |
palms |
Federal District |
Brasilia |
Maps of the regions of Brazil
The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics divides the Brazilian territory into five regions: North, South, Northeast, Midwest and Southeast.
The regional map of Brazil corresponds to the cartographic representation of the Brazilian territory in regions. According to IBGE, Brazil is divided into five regions, namely:
North |
North East |
Midwest |
Southeast |
South |
At Brazilian regions are equivalent to groupings of federative units that have common features. These groupings are a way to facilitate the analysis and interpretation of data from the states, in addition to the area they cover.
Through this regional division, it is possible to observe the weaknesses and the potentialities of each area and thus establish, according to data analysis, management systems and public policies, in addition to proposing programs that meet the specificities of each region.
It is worth noting that the regions they do not have a government or legal representatives. represent just the unityinStates that have featuressimilar. The states, on the other hand, are governed and represented legally and individually.
Know more:What are the types of maps?
→ North Region Map
The Northern Region of Brazil, represented on the map, is composed of seven states and is, territorially, the largest region in the country. (Source: IBGE)
the map of Northern region of Brazil presents the territorial division comprising the seven statesthat are part of the region. Are they:
- Amazons: and the biggerstateofparents territorially. The state is covered by the Amazon rainforest, the largest rainforest in the world.
- Acre: is the state of the North Region bordering two countries in South America: Bolivia and Peru. It is one of the states with the smallest demographic density from the country.
- Amapá: is the state bordering Pará, French Guiana, Atlantic Ocean and Suriname.
- Tocantins: belongs to the Brazilian Central Plateau and in this state is found the Jalapão State Park, an important Brazilian conservation unit.
- For: it is the second largest state in Brazil and has the highest deforestation rate in Brazil.
- Roraima: and the less populous of Brazil and also what has the smallerdensitydemographic.
- Rondônia: is the third richest state in terms of Gross Domestic Product of the Northern Region.
→ Northeast Region Map
The Northeast Region of Brazil, represented on the map, is composed of nine states, being, therefore, the region with the highest number of federative units. (Source: IBGE)
the map of Northeast region of Brazilpresents territorial division comprising the nineStates that make up the region. Are they:
- Maranhão: the second largest state in the Northeast Region and has the second longest coastline in the country.
- Piauí: is the state with the smallerCoast of Brazil. The state has a tropical and semiarid climate.
- Ceará: it is the third richest state in the Northeast, and its capital, Fortaleza, is one of the main destinations in the country for tourism.
- large northern river: has the best HDI and the highest per capita incomeof the Northeast Region.
- Paraíba: it is the "cradle" of several Brazilian poets, such as Augusto dos Anjos and José Lins do Rego.
- Pernambuco: Its territory includes the archipelagos of Fernando de Noronha, São Pedro and São Paulo.
- alagoas: is one of the largest sugarcane producers in the country and has one of the richest folklore in Brazil.
- Sergipe: is the smaller of Brazil in territorial extension, having as main economic activity the agriculture.
- Bahia: is the Brazilian state that most borders with other states in Brazil. Has the largest population of the Northeast Region.
→ map ofMidwest region
The Midwest Region of Brazil, represented on the map, is composed of three states and the Federal District. (Source: IBGE)
the map of Central-West Region of Brazil presents the territorial division comprising the three states that make up this region. Are they:
- Mato Grosso: it is considered one of the states with the highest deforestation rate.
- Mato Grosso do Sul: is covered by the Guarani Aquifer, being the state that more holds aquifers in Brazil.
- Goiás: has the ninth largest economy in Brazil, having its economy based on the agricultural sector and mining industries.
- Federal District: is autonomous unit, that is, it has its own government and its own legislation.
→ map ofSoutheast region
The Southeast Region of Brazil, represented on the map, is made up of four states, which are important economic centers in the country. (Source: IBGE)
the map of Southeast region of Brazil presents the territorial division comprising the fourStates that compose it. Are they:
- Sao Paulo: it is the state with the largest number of inhabitants and biggerGDP of Brazil.
- Minas Gerais: it is the birthplace of several sources of the main rivers in Brazil.
- Rio de Janeiro: is considered the maindestinytouristInternational of the country and also one of the main economic and cultural centers.
- Holy Spirit: it is the fourth smallest state in terms of territory in Brazil.
→ map ofSouth region
The Southern Region, represented on the map, is made up of three states and is the smallest region in the country. (Source: IBGE)
the map of South region of Brazil presents the territorial division comprising the threeStates that compose it. Are they:
- Santa Catarina: is among the states that have the best and biggerindexessocial in Brazil.
- Paraná: it is the fifth richest in Brazil and well known for its vegetation composed of pine forests.
- Rio Grande do Sul: it is the most populous state in the South Region and known as the Brazilian state that has characteristics similar The territorieseuropeans.
Thematic maps of Brazil
The map of Brazil - endangered birds represents the species that are threatened throughout the Brazilian territory. Source: IBGE
The map of Brazil can portray not only physical and political aspects. Thematic maps are extremely informative and they canto introduceseveralDice, as a population, soils, agriculture, conservation units, endangered fauna, transport, urbanization, among others. These maps make it possible to analyze the distribution of these themes throughout the Brazilian territory.
Map of Brazil - Biomes
The biome map of Brazil presents the six biomes. Source: IBGE
There are in Brazil, according to the classification of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, sixbiomes. The biome that covers the North Region is the Amazon. Already in the Midwest. we found the biomes thick and wetland. In the northeast of Brazil. there is a predominance of the biome Caatinga. The country's coastline has as a characteristic biome the Atlantic forest and, finally, the southern region of Brazil is comprised of the biome pampa.
Read more: learn to read a map
Map of Brazil to color

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