Coordinated prayers. What are coordinated prayers

Coordinated prayers... So that we can understand them better, we will need to remember some concepts related to the subject and predicate, also called essential terms of the clause, do you remember them?

So, how about we analyze the statement that follows?

I like to study and play.

We found that the period consists of two clauses that have subject and predicate, demarcated as follows:

I like to study
I like to play.

But what about this term that played the role of connecting the two clauses, what is it called? He calls conjunction which, by the way, gives aidea of ​​addition, of addition.

In this way, we affirm that when there is a conjunction, and this conjunction constitutes a specific sense, it is a prayersyndetic coordinate, precisely because there is the connective (conjunction).

It may be that our little friend is not present, which is why we say that it is an asyndetic coordinate, because there is no connective. Let's take an example?

I arrived, had lunch, rested.
We have three periods there, because there are three verbs, but without the presence of the conjunction, right?

Let us now study each coordinated conjunction separately. Thus, depending on the meaning it represents, the coordinates can be classified into:

Additives – are those that give an idea of ​​sum. Constituted by the conjunctions “and, nor, but, also”.

I like to study and play.

Adversatives – express an adverse, contrary, opposite idea. The conjunctions that represent them are: but, however, however, however, however, nevertheless.

I studied a lot, but I didn't get good results.

Alternatives – give an idea of ​​alternation. They are represented by the conjunctions "or...or,".

Either study or work.

conclusive – express an idea of ​​conclusion. The conjunctions that represent them are: therefore, therefore, therefore.

I studied a lot, so I got a good grade in the evaluation.

Explanatory – provide an idea of ​​explanation. The conjunctions that represent this modality are: why, why, what and why.

We couldn't go to the movies because it was raining a lot.

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Coordinated prayers. What are coordinated prayers

Coordinated prayers... So that we can understand them better, we will need to remember some conce...

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