Internetese. The language of the internet: the internetese!

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Do you know what internetese are? No? Entaum's time to learn + about this subject! =)

If you think you don't know what it is internetese, but he was able to read the above prayers without any difficulty, he has just discovered that he not only knows but probably uses it too! Who never appealed to the abbreviation of words during a virtual chat, huh? I bet you've already needed to eliminate letters, entire syllables and even the accentuation of some words when talking in virtual environments, all this to make communication more dynamic and more similar to our conversations in the modality oral.

This simplified and informal language called internetese emerged in the Internet environment, back in the 1990s. Its main function is to give dynamism to the conversations. For this, we invented a kind of crazy syntax, ignored the spelling rules and abused the "emoticons" (smileysadfrowncryingsurpriseindecision), which serve to translate the way we feel into symbols, since writing does not have the same expressive resources available in orality. See some examples of internetese:

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adapted spelling


Lol (laughs)

When (when)

Where (where)


Lol (laughing out loud or laughing a lot)

Also (also)

Axo (I think)


Tks (thanks or thank you)

you (you)

Naum (no)


Blz (beauty)

All (all)

Eh (yeah)

We create intelligent alternatives to communicate quickly and, at the same time, reduce the distance and impersonality of the dialogues held in virtual environments. Great, isn't it? Yes, but there are controversies... Despite being a very useful language in our daily lives, Internetese should be restricted to the internet. There is a principle called "linguistic adequacy" that shows us the importance of using properly (that is, respecting the communicational context) the different registers of the language Portuguese. Just as we don't talk to our parents like we talk to our schoolmates, and vice versa, we shouldn't allow Internetese either. invade a beach that is not his, that is, we must not allow him to "contaminate" the writing of texts that require adaptation to the cultured norm of tongue.

ANDwrite using acronyms, abbreviations and emoticons it has become such a common habit that, sometimes, we don't even notice that we are using a language that should be restricted to the internet. O internetese is an interesting phenomenon, but it should be treated as a group language (type of language used by groups specific: note that most Internetese supporters are children and youth) and suitable only for contexts specific. At school and in professional life, we must prioritize the cultured norm in written texts, a variety that must be learned and preserved. respect the linguistic variations It's critical, just as it's critical to choose the right variety for each situation, right?

By Luana Castro
Graduated in Letters
Internetese. The language of the internet: the internetese!

Internetese. The language of the internet: the internetese!

Do you know what internetese are? No? Entaum's time to learn + about this subject! =)If you think...

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