Community campaign. Characteristics of the community campaign

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Do you know those occasions when the population mobilizes to ask the competent authorities for a solution to that problem that is troubling so much, causing harm to everyone? Simple, the dengue mosquito infestation, for example. Almost always represented by the Municipal Health Department, at some point we came across a statement, which requests the collaboration of all people so that, in their own way, they decide to contribute, doing the part that suits them, not leaving standing water in containers, not allowing these containers to favor the proliferation of the mosquito that transmits the disease, among other recommendations. You know, isn't it that once again we are facing a textual genre?

Of course, all of them (text genres), as we know, represent the socio-communicative circumstances that make up our life in society, through our everyday interactions.

Thus, it is important for us to know that it exists, that is, the community campaign, and that it is classified as such, however, even more important is to be aware that, similarly to other genres, it has its own characteristics, linguistically speaking. In this sense, it always has a

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logo, that is, a specific brand; when it comes to the language used, it is usually in accordance with the audience it is intended for, that is, if it is a target audience for a more formal aspect, this also demarcates the way in which communication is established (formal, in the case).

As this is a communicative situation in which the intention is focused on persuasion, on convincing the interlocutor to take a stand, the verbs, usually, are expressed in the imperative mode, which suggest a request, call for a position to be taken, aspire to a decision in the sense of making the problem presented here really solved.

Ah! Not forgetting that, in view of these purposes, the title that precedes the campaign needs to be very attractive. Thus, it is not for nothing that it has to be written in well-marked letters and, above all, made up of a message that really sensitizes, draws attention so that everything happens according to intends.

Ready! As you already know about the points that demarcate the genre we have just met, from now on, it's just participate, which demonstrates that you also show solidarity with yourself and with others people!

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Chemistry

Community campaign. Characteristics of the community campaign

Do you know those occasions when the population mobilizes to ask the competent authorities for a ...

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