Globalization. The World in the Age of Globalization

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We can say that the globalization it is global integration in social, political, economic and technological terms. Thanks to the advent of new transport and communication technologies, the relationships between the world are increasingly interconnected, reducing time and distances.

But how does this process take place? What kind of “world integration” is this?

Watch the news below:


Apple buys Israeli PrimeSense of 3D chips

Apple bought Israeli company PrimeSense, a developer of chips that give the machines three-dimensional vision capabilities, the companies revealed on Monday..

(Reuters Brazil, 11/25/2013).


In the news above, we have a case of a US company that bought another in Israel to improve its technology and sell its products worldwide. This is only possible with the Globalization process.

Imagine the owners of both having to do business without a cell phone to communicate and arrange meetings or without super-fast planes for entrepreneurs to make the necessary trips during the purchase process and sale. It would be impossible, as it could take several years to happen, wouldn't it?

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But make no mistake, Globalization is not as recent as it seems. In fact, it is a gradual process, in which communication, transport and scientific innovations are improving more and more.

In 1500, when Pero Vaz de Caminha, shortly after the discovery of Brazil, sent his famous letter to the king of Portugal, it took several months to reach its destination. As early as 1865, when the then President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, passed away, the news took almost fifteen days to reach Europe. In 2009, when pop singer Michael Jackson died, the news was released almost in real time around the world.

Therefore, many historians and sociologists attribute the beginning of globalization to the 16th century, right after the period of the great navigations, in which the Europeans threw themselves overboard to discover and dominate new territories. But, in a way, we can say that it was only in the 1970s that this process, in fact, became more consolidated.

The consequences of globalization, in addition to advances in technological resources, are: the formation of economic blocks around the world (such as the European Union and Mercosur), the expansion of multinationals with companies that are present all over the world and the reduction of distances and time (man moves more and more at a time each time smaller).

By Rodolfo Alves Pena
Graduated in Geography

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