Hunger and malnutrition. Data on hunger and malnutrition

Hunger and malnutrition are problems that affect the world's poorest countries. They are a consequence of social inequalities (caused by the mismanagement of governments in these places) and a critical economic situation that has dragged on for many decades in these countries, affecting millions of people around the world whole.

THE hunger it is the situation in which the food that the individual consumes is not enough for the energy expenditure of basic daily activities. In many cases of extreme poverty, a person spends days without anything to eat or eats little food. It can be proven by the weight and height ratio in an individual whose Body Mass Index (BMI) is below 18%.

already the malnutrition it is the consequence of little or no intake of foods that are sources of minerals, vitamins and energy for a person to grow and develop the body and brain, especially babies and children.

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Malnutrition and hunger can lead to death, as the lack of nutrients in the body makes it susceptible to various diseases. They can also lead to the inability to carry out simple tasks, leading the person to mental difficulties.

Some countries in the world suffer more from problems related to food shortages caused by poverty, such as some poor countries in Africa, Asia and South America.

Along with the problem of hunger and malnutrition, there is poverty, the lack of basic sanitation (water and sewage) and the lack of medicines and doctors – a situation that aggravates the situation.

The solution to this very serious problem is to invest in policies that provide economic and social support to those countries that remain on the poverty line.

by Suelen Alonso
Master in Geography

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ALONSO, Suelen. "Hunger and Malnutrition"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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