Prayer: Subject and Predicate

It is very important that we know the true meaning of the word "prayer", so that we can expand our knowledge about subject and predicate.
When we talk about prayer, we should soon know that it must necessarily contain verbs. Look at the example:

Julio is a smart boy.

We soon noticed the presence of the verb to be, which is represented by the present tense – “is”.
Still analyzing the previous sentence, we have:
Who is a smart boy?
The correct answer is: Julius
In this way, Julius is the subject of the prayer, as it was about Julius that information is being revealed.
Then the subject is the term about which we inform something.
Now the following question arises:
What is Julius?
is a smart boy, because that statement refers to Julius.
Therefore, the predicate is the term that informs something about the subject.
A very important detail that you will not be able to forget!
The predicate will always be accompanied by a verb.
Let's kill the riddle: What is even a prayer?

The prayer it is a set of words formed by the subject and the predicate.

Analyzing other prayers we will understand that:
Paulo was the top scorer in the junior championship.
Subject - Paulo
Predicate - was the top scorer in the junior championship

The shopping trip was fun.

Subject – the trip to the mall
Predicate- it was fun

The birthday treats were delicious.
Subject – The birthday treats
Predicate – they were delicious.

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