Tatiana Belinky's enchanted and multicolored universe

To be a child
Tatiana Belinky

being a child is hard
everybody rules me
If I ask why,
They answer me "because".

This is lack of respect,
"Because yes is not an answer,
authoritarian attitude
Something nobody likes!

adult must explain
for child to understand
These "cans" and "can'ts",
To accept without being offended!

Child demands affection,
And yes! Consideration!
Children are people, people,
No pets!

Do you know the life and work of Tatiana Belinky? If you don't know, know that she was one of the greatest children's literature writers in Brazil!

Tatiana Belinky, despite having written so many books in Portuguese, was not Brazilian. She was born in St. Petersburg, former Soviet Union, on March 18, 1919 and came to Brazil as a child with her family. At that time, our country received many immigrants - it was normal for people from other countries to come to try their lives in these lands - and that's what Tatiana's family did. She started her literary life in 1948 and, throughout her 94 years, has produced more than 270 titles of children's literature, among other modalities. A lot, isn't it?

Tatiana, with the support of her husband, educator Júlio Gouveia, adapted for television, in the early 1950s, the stories of Monteiro Lobato's Sítio do Pica-Pau Amarelo. At that time, TV was still in black and white and, believe me, produced live! This version of “Sítio” was on the air for eleven years and, meanwhile, Tatiana continued to write her books. Throughout her life, she received several awards, including the most important given to a writer of Brazilian literature: the Jabuti Award. And it wasn't just once that Tatiana received the “Jabuti”, it was several times that she had her enormous talent recognized.

In addition to being a writer of famous books in our children's literature, Tatiana was also a poet, translator and dramatist. In 2009, she was elected to one of the chairs of the São Paulo Academy of Letters and, on June 15, 2013, Tatiana died at the age of 94, in the city where she has always lived, São Paulo. We selected for you to know the tale “O caso do bolinho”, based on an old fable. But don't stop there, there are many others that deserve her attention. Good reading!

Tatiana Belinky was an excellent short-story writer, in addition to having produced several poems from our children's literature


That day the grandfather had asked the grandmother to make a delicious cake for both of them to eat. Grandma mixed the flour with the cream, made a very round cake and put it in the oven to bake.

The cupcake – hummmmmm – it was tasty and fragrant, but hot, you couldn't eat it, so the grandmother put it in the window to cool down.

With that afternoon breeze, the wonder of the world ahead, so many things to discover and live, the cupcake decided to go smart and rolled off the tray…

He rolled and rolled, but soon found the hare that sniffed him for good taste:

- Muffin, muffin I'll eat you…

And the cupcake said that before she ate it, he would sing her song:

- I am a round and fluffy dumpling of cream stuffed in baked butter. Grandma didn't catch me, Grandpa didn't catch me and you won't catch me.

Zapt! The Cookie again rolling away from the hare.

Rolled, rolled, but soon found the wolf that sniffed him for good taste:

- Muffin, muffin I'll eat you…

And the cupcake said that before he ate it, he would sing her song:

- I am a round and fluffy dumpling of cream stuffed in baked butter. Grandma didn't catch me, Grandpa didn't catch me and you won't catch me.

Zapt! The Cookie again rolling away from the wolf.

Soon after, the dumpling found the fox and also began to sing. The fox immediately said:

- What a beautiful voice, what a sweet song.

The cupcake was impressed by the compliment. The fox continued:

- Too bad I'm almost deaf, I can barely hear… Why don't you jump here on my muzzle to sing, Mister Cupcake?

The very smart cookie, but much more vain, jumped, and the fox, cunning as only she, didn't even wait for the song to start to nhact. The fox ate the cake and ended the hunger that rumbled in his belly.

(The cupcake case, Tatiana Belinky)

* The image that illustrates this article was taken from book covers by writer Tatiana Belinky.

By Luana Castro
Graduated in Letters

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