Improper Derivation. Improper Derivation Concept

The derivation of words is a process that enriches the language's vocabulary. Have you ever thought how scarce our oral and written texts would be if only primitive words existed? Thanks to the process of word formation, this does not happen, because, through it, there is the creation of new words.

In the derivation process, it is common for primitive words to originate other words by inserting affixes (prefixes and suffixes). However, there is a derivation process that does not follow any of these criteria, as there is no modification in the word structure, but in its grammatical class.


  1. O no it must be part of the vocabulary of the little ones so that they don't grow without limits.
  2. I participated in a chat head yesterday.
  3. O dinner it was perfect.
  4. how i wanted one yea as an answer.
  5. O to look ravishing was irresistible.

As you can see in the underlined words above, they have not undergone changes in their structure, however, all words exemplify the process of formation by improper derivation. This is because they all changed their part of speech.

In examples 1 and 4, the adverb gained the status of a noun, being even accompanied by the article. In example 2, the noun head appears as an adjective, since it characterizes the noun “pap”. In examples 3 and 5, we have verbs playing the noun role.

so don't forget:

THE improper derivation will occur whenever words change from their original part of speech to another, depending on the context in which they are inserted. Also pay attention to the issue that there is no structural change in words, there is only change in their grammatical class.

By Mayra Pavan
Graduated in Letters

Improper Derivation. Improper Derivation Concept

The derivation of words is a process that enriches the language's vocabulary. Have you ever thoug...

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Improper derivation: what is it, examples, exercises

Improper derivation: what is it, examples, exercises

THE improper derivation it is a process of word formation. Among these processes, we have the der...

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