In everyday life we can verify the use of numbers in countless situations. They are present in newspapers, magazines, meat shops, supermarkets, gas stations, on the street, at fairs, in stores, among others.
In the supermarket, the meat shop, the gas station and at the fair, the numbers are used to inform people about the price of products. Look at the table:
The price list above refers to the price of different types of meat. In prices we can observe the presence of numbers to the right of the comma, they are called tenths and hundredths and in the case of money we call them cents. For example:
Chicken Breast = BRL 4.55 (four reais and fifty-five cents)
Picanha = R$ 18.90 (eighteen reais and ninety cents)
Ribeye = R$ 15.30 (fifteen reais and thirty cents)
Fraldinha = R$ 9.89 (nine reais and eighty-nine cents)
Numbers with a place to the right of the decimal point are called decimal numbers. See examples:
Decimal Number Hundred Ten Unit, Ten Hundredth
Some numbers involved in representing time use a third place called the thousandth. For example, in formula 1 races times are recorded taking into account minutes, seconds, tenths, hundredths and thousandths.
In the table, the 1st time was recorded by Fernando Alonso, the 2nd by Hamilton and the third by Felipe Massa, this is equivalent to:
by Mark Noah
Kids School Team